
The role of third sector interfaces: advice note.

This advice note sets out the role of the third sector interface organisations in relation to health and social care integration activities.

4. The Role of the Third Sector Interface

Third Sector Interfaces should act as the conduit for the third sector in relation to the responsibilities of Health Boards, local authorities and Integration Authorities set out in the Act. The TSI's role is not to represent every concern in the third sector. The TSI, therefore, is well placed to act as the conduit for the third sector on the IJB and the strategic planning group but other than this it should support expertise to come to different tables from within the third sector itself. The TSI can co-ordinate this activity and ensure diverse voices are heard. IJBs should expect to see robust processes and protocols for information sharing, engagement and influencing on behalf of the sector.

Third Sector Interfaces as a key partner will be able to assist Integration Authorities with:

  • Joining up and activating diverse parts of the third sector and volunteers to support health and social care outcomes;
  • Development of a strong third sector engagement strategy to support strategic planning and joint commissioning;
  • Advocating the interests and conveying the intelligence of third sector at the Strategic joint board level;
  • Mapping more deeply and connecting third sector organisations able to contribute to health and social care policy development or with valuable intelligence to add; and
  • Supporting the exploration of the development of the third sector role in enhancing prevention, self-management and co-production.



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