
Rural Housing Fund: eligibility checklist and form to express interest

Check eligibility and express interest in the Rural Housing Fund.

Is the Rural Housing Fund right for your project? You can print off these questions by downloading the document on the left.

  1. Is the main applicant a legally constituted body?
  2. Is the project in a rural area as defined in the fund guidance?
  3. When completed will the properties be provided at affordable rents or sold at affordable prices?
  4. Will the target tenant group or target buyers be those who, due to lower than average income or higher than average rents/house prices, find it difficult to access housing to meet their needs?
  5. Will the properties be affordable for the required period of time as set out in the guidance?
  6. Does the main applicant have appropriate Public Liability Insurance and Employer's Liability Insurance?
  7. Will/have the local community been involved in development of the proposal?
  8. Is the local authority supportive of the proposal?
  9. The project has not previously received any funding from the Affordable Housing Supply Programme via a local authority?

If you answered no to any of the above questions you should not apply to the Rural Housing Fund as your application is unlikely to be approved.

If you answered yes to all the questions and wish to make an application to the Rural Housing Fund please complete the Expression of Interest form (located on this page) and submit to

Please do not submit your pre-application questionnaire to us.

We will reply within 15 working days of receiving your expression of interest. If you are told you can apply you will need to fill out an application form.

Rural Housing Fund - pre-application questionnaire.pdf
Rural housing fund - expression of interest.docx



Telephone: 0300 244 4000

Scottish Government Housing, Regeneration and Welfare Directorate
Victoria Quay

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