Consultation on proposed safe staffing laws for nursing and midwifery: independent analysis of responses

Independent analysis of responses to the consultation on enshrining safe staffing in nursing and midwifery in law.


1. Excellence in Care - Scotland's National Approach to Assuring Nursing and Midwifery Care Event Report can be found at:

2. Available at:

3. IMATTER is a staff experience continuous improvement tool designed with staff in NHSScotland to help individuals, teams and Health Boards understand and improve staff experience.

4. Datix is software for patient safety, risk management and incident reporting.

5. learnPro is cloud-based educational software which is used by the NHS.

6. Available at:

7. HEAT Targets are set out by NHS Scotland and the Scottish Government's Health Directorates. There are four groups of Targets, collectively known as HEAT targets; these are: H - Health Improvement, E – Efficiency, A - Access to treatment, and T – Treatment.

8. A requirement is a statement which sets out what a care service must do to improve outcomes for people who use services. A recommendation is a statement that sets out actions that a care service provider should take to improve or develop the quality of the service, but where failure to do so would not directly result in enforcement. These must also be outcomes-based and if the provider meets the recommendation this would improve outcomes for people receiving the service.


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