
Safe and Well at Work: Occupational Health and Safety Strategic Framework for NHSScotland

This person centred strategic framework sets out how NHSScotland Boards should approach occupational health and safety to keep staff motivated and healthy, engaged and safe. It provides a national statement of aims and priorities, together with a clear framework for delivering improvements in the occupational health and safety of NHSScotland staff.


1. Towards a Safer Healthier Workplace, The Scottish Executive, 1999

2. A Force for Improvement, Scottish Government, January 2009

3. The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland, Scottish Government, May 2010

4. Working for a healthier tomorrow, Dame Carol Black, March 2008

5. NHS Health and Wellbeing, Steve Boorman, Final Report, November 2009

6. Leading Health and Safety at Work, Institute of Directors, and Health and Safety Executive, October 2007

7. Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974

8. Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

9. The Health and Safety Executive Statistics 2009/10, HSE, October 2010

10. Towards a Mentally Flourishing Scotland, Scottish Government, October 2007

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