
Safe and Well at Work: Occupational Health and Safety Strategic Framework for NHSScotland

This person centred strategic framework sets out how NHSScotland Boards should approach occupational health and safety to keep staff motivated and healthy, engaged and safe. It provides a national statement of aims and priorities, together with a clear framework for delivering improvements in the occupational health and safety of NHSScotland staff.

Chapter 2: Aims and Actions

2.1. This Occupational Health and Safety Strategic Framework aims to drive up occupational health and safety standards across the NHSScotland workforce. Specific strategic aims are set out below:

Strategic Aims:

  • Clear leadership and ownership for workplace health, safety and wellbeing across NHSScotland, and in partnership with wider public sector bodies as appropriate, from the top of the organisation, leading to reductions in work related injury or illness;
  • A workforce that feels valued and is equipped, engaged and involved in developing solutions to challenges and issues;
  • A workforce that is working well and where the proactive and effective management of attendance is based on good practice;
  • A workforce that is aware and recognises the important personal responsibility that individual members of staff have in respect of their own health, safety and wellbeing;
  • An NHSScotland workplace that promotes health and wellbeing, helps prevent illness and accidents and supports people to return to work from illness, including a recognition that work can be part of the recovery process;
  • Management commitment at all levels, adequate advice and expertise, and governance through Staff Governance to NHSScotland Boards; and
  • A joined up approach towards occupational health and safety, involving Boards, management, occupational health and safety specialists and an engaged and productive workforce to create a continuum that supports a safe and healthy workforce.

2.2. It is recognised that NHSScotland Boards are already actively engaged in this area of work. This strategic framework is designed to provide a new focus for the development and improvement of existing systems of management, leading to improved occupational health and safety provision. Each Board also operates within its own unique set of circumstances and demands to which it needs to respond. Therefore, each Board is likely to apply a specific approach towards the delivery of these strategic aims within their local context.

photo2.3. It is recognised that there are benefits to the workforce and patients from having a consistent approach, particularly in relation to the priority areas for action set out below. NHSScotland Boards must ensure their systems of management of occupational health and safety risk and controls are fully in place and operating, before focussing attention on the priority areas of action, to ensure a positive step change improvement in occupational health and safety performance. There will be a rolling programme of priority areas for Boards. In the first instance the priority areas of action will be: mental health and wellbeing; musculoskeletal disorders; aggression and violence; and slips, trips and falls.

2.4. NHSScotland Boards that are delivering effectively against these priorities are encouraged to share their experience and expertise with others to deliver wider improvements in the health and wellbeing of the NHSScotland workforce. Where appropriate, Boards are also encouraged to work with other Boards and partners to look for opportunities for joint-working and sharing services.

Summary and actions:

  • NHSScotland Boards must ensure their systems of management of occupational health and safety risk and controls are fully in place and operating, before focussing attention on the priority areas of action, to ensure a positive step change improvement in occupational health and safety performance.
  • There will be a rolling programme of priority areas for action: in the first instance, this will cover:
    • mental health and wellbeing;
    • musculoskeletal disorders;
    • violence and aggression; and
    • slips, trips and falls.
  • NHSScotland Boards are encouraged to share their experiences and expertise with other Boards, and, where appropriate, to work with other Boards and partners to look for opportunities for joint-working and sharing services.
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