
Safe and Well at Work: Occupational Health and Safety Strategic Framework for NHSScotland

This person centred strategic framework sets out how NHSScotland Boards should approach occupational health and safety to keep staff motivated and healthy, engaged and safe. It provides a national statement of aims and priorities, together with a clear framework for delivering improvements in the occupational health and safety of NHSScotland staff.

Chapter 5: Conclusion

5.1. This strategic framework builds on good practice that already exists across NHSScotland. Partnership working and strong leadership at all levels in NHSScotland and beyond will be crucial in taking forward this programme of work. NHSScotland Boards should make use of the strong partnership working arrangements that already exist to engage the workforce in the development and improvement of occupational health and safety provision within NHSScotland.

photo5.2. Successful delivery will result in NHSScotland Boards having a clearer direction of travel for the development of occupational health and safety which is person-centred and demonstrates a clear commitment to the health, wellbeing and safety of staff. The framework will assist Boards in determining future occupational health and safety provision, taking account of the four priority areas, and ensuring that occupational health and safety is incorporated into the wider health and wellbeing agenda. The development of an occupational health and safety minimum dataset will give Boards robust data to inform activity at a local level, as well as providing accountability at a national level.

5.3 The framework will contribute towards the delivery of the right of all staff to be provided with an improved and safe working environment, as specified in the Staff Governance Standard, while at the same time clarifying the responsibilities of staff at all levels of the organisation, in actively promoting health, safety and well being in the workplace.

5.4. Success will be demonstrated by improvements in employee attendance and engagement, patient experience and service delivery, workforce efficiency/productivity, and the health, wellbeing and safety of the workforce. Ultimately, this benefits NHSScotland Boards, managers, staff and patients.

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