Safeguarding Scotland's resources: blueprint for a more resource-efficient and circular economy

Our programme to reduce waste and create a more productive and circular economy. Part of the Zero Waste agenda and economic strategy.

5. Measuring Success

Our overall measure of success will be a reduction in the weight of waste generated, referred to as waste arising.

Our target is to reduce waste arising by 7% by 2017 against the 2011 baseline of 13.2 million tonnes . Our longer term vision is to achieve a 15% reduction by 2025.

We will also monitor the progress of individual actions and track key indicators to judge the success of the programme as a whole, including:

  • The total amount of waste produced by sectors - household; commerce and industry; and construction and demolition.
  • The amount of waste produced by sectors per unit of GVA.
  • The carbon impact of waste - the whole-life impacts of waste including the benefits of prevention and recycling.

Figure 3 The carbon impact of waste

Figure 5 The carbon impact of waste

We will also investigate other measures of resource use, including the total amount of raw materials used, and the amount of raw materials used per unit of gross domestic product or gross value added. This further work on measures will include establishing better information on the levels of Reuse, Repair, and Remanufacturing within the economy. These will help us to understand the success of this programme, and the wider Zero Waste Plan, in decoupling waste from economic growth.


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