Safer Communities and Justice Statistics Monthly Data Report : May 2024 edition

the report contains summary statistics covering a number of important justice and safer communities statistics. It is published with up to date statistics every month.

Summary statistics on hate crime

* New * Numbers fell for police recorded hate crime. The police recorded 6,257 hate crimes in 2022-23. This is 10% (or 670) lower than in 2021-22 and the lowest number since 2014-15. No clear trend can be seen in the total number of hate crimes recorded by the police in Scotland over 2014-15 to 2022-23, with four of the years following 2014-15 showing an increase and the other four showing a decrease. In 2022-23, 60% of hate crimes included an aggravator for race, 26% sexual orientation, 10% religion, 8% disability and 3% transgender identity.

Marginal decrease in overall hate crime charges. There was a decrease in the number of charges reported to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service in 2022-23 compared to 2021-22 for race and transgender identity. Religion, sexual orientation and disability aggravated hate crime charges saw an increase. Racial crime remains the most commonly reported hate crime, followed by crimes with a sexual orientation aggravator.

No. of charges reported to COPFS (000s)
Hate crime charges, 2003-04 to 2020-21. Annual number of charges of hate crime reported to the Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service, by category of hate crime, 2003-04 to 2020-21. Last updated June 2021. Next update due June 2022.



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