
Salmon fishing - proposed river gradings for 2023 season: consultation analysis

Analysis report of the Salmon fishing: proposed river gradings for 2023 season consultation, which sought views on the proposed river gradings for the 2023 salmon fishing season and what further actions should be encouraged or taken to safeguard wild Atlantic salmon populations.

4. Conclusions

There were 211 respondents to the consultation who had interests in rivers and freshwater systems across Scotland, including from regional and national fisheries management organisations. 47% of respondents supported the proposed river gradings for the 2023 salmon fishing season while 33% objected to them. Many of those who rejected the river gradings appeared to do so due to their views on the assessment method or their concern that rivers of interest to them were incorrectly graded.

Nearly half of respondents (46%) supported a 100% catch and release policy in some form, although only a minority (18%) supported the use of mandatory measures to achieve this. 40% of respondents indicated that they felt a 100% catch and release policy would not be effective in protecting and restoring wild salmon populations, whilst 67% of respondents highlighted pressures other than exploitation through angling that they believe have a greater impact on wild salmon populations. Respondents who held this view felt these pressures should be addressed through actions either in parallel with, or instead of, a 100% catch and release policy either through voluntary or mandatory measures.

Several potential impacts of a voluntary or mandatory 100% catch and release policy were raised by respondents including deterring anglers from the sport, the economic impact on businesses that benefit from angling and reduced contributions from anglers to conservation and habitat restoration projects. However, benefits of a 100% mandatory catch and release policy were also identified including the promotion of a more ecologically-focused tourism industry for angling. Finally, 41% of respondents felt that if new measures to achieve 100% catch and release are introduced, then they should be reviewed annually in line with the annual assessment of the conservation status of salmon stocks and the proposed gradings for the upcoming salmon fishing season.



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