
Salmon Interactions Working Group Report: Scottish Government Response

Our response to the recommendations in the Salmon Interactions Working Group report [May 2020]


The Salmon Interactions Working Group was established to provide advice on the interactions between wild and farmed salmon.

The working group was independently chaired by John Goodlad and its membership included the aquaculture and wild fisheries sectors, Scottish Environment Link (SELINK), Marine Scotland, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and NatureScot.

The group was tasked to;

  • Consider the evidence coming from the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform and Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee Inquiries (including the literature review undertaken by Scottish Association of Marine Science), and any other work, concerning the environmental impacts of salmon and trout farms on wild salmonids;
  • Review current Scottish Government policy and advice governing wild/farmed salmon interactions including, but not limited to, sea lice, pathogens and escapes;
  • Review the actions required to monitor and mitigate the impact of farmed salmon and trout on wild salmonids (including through Environmental Management Plans, or other future regulatory mechanisms) so that any impact is reduced in accordance with our international and domestic obligations;
  • Make recommendations, including a delivery plan of agreed actions and timescales, for a future interactions approach, including the need for any further research; changes to the regulatory regime, including planning advice and environmental monitoring; and the potential use of 'adaptive management' techniques, including the management of risk;
  • Look at the conclusions and any emerging recommendations from the Scottish Parliamentary Inquiries into farmed salmon in Scotland.

The Salmon Interactions Working Group published its recommendations in May 2020.

The Salmon Interactions Working Group report sets out over 40 recommendations on measures to address the interactions between farmed and wild fish sectors.

This paper sets out the Scottish Government's response to the recommendations.



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