
Salmon Interactions Workstream

A Salmon Interactions Workstream has been launched to look, in part, at the reasons behind the decline in Scottish Atlantic salmon.

The first stage of the Workstream is the creation of an initial Working Group, independently chaired by John Goodlad, which will examine and provide advice on the interactions between wild and farmed salmon.

The membership of the Group, which is supported by the Scottish Salmon Producer's Organisation and Fisheries Management Scotland, includes the aquaculture and wild fisheries sectors, Scottish Environment Link (SELINK), Marine Scotland, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). Initially, the Group will:

  • Look at the conclusions and any emerging recommendations from the Parliamentary Inquiries into farmed salmon in Scotland
  • Evaluate current Scottish Government policy and advice governing wild/farmed salmon sea lice interactions, and review the existing and planned projects around the interactions
  • Make recommendations, including a delivery plan of agreed actions and timescales, for a future interactions approach.
Meeting February 2019: note of actions
Meeting January 2019: note of actions
Meeting November 2018: note of actions
Meeting October 2018: note of actions
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