
Sandeel fishing: consultation

We are consulting on proposals to close fishing for sandeel in all Scottish waters. This paper explains the background of the consultation, options considered, and outlining the questions for respondents.

8. Potential impact on business

Sandeel quota has not been allocated to UK vessels since 2021, therefore only a partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) has been produced. It summarises the expected impact on Scottish, UK and non-UK businesses of the proposals presented in this consultation.

The EU catching sector is expected to be most affected by any management measures introduced for all Scottish waters, with Scottish businesses anticipated to be impacted minimally. We would anticipate that the outcome of the consultation could clarify the assumptions underlying the BRIA assessment. This assessment can be found along other supporting documents to this consultation.

The BRIA also outlines the anticipated costs and benefits of the preferred option. Again, we would encourage respondents to draw to our attention any additional costs, benefits, and unintended consequences of the preferred option.



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