
School estates statistics 2019

Statistics from the annual school estates core facts survey, including information on school condition and suitability, and the number of new builds and refurbishments.

About this publication

This annual statistical publication provides information on:

  • School estate survey data for financial year 2018-19, for all schools open on
    1st April 2019.
  • Schools built or substantially refurbished during the financial year 2018-19.

Headline figures:

81 schools built or substantially refurbished in 2018-19.

928 schools built or substantially refurbished since 2007-08.

+1.7pp since 2018

88.3% of schools in good or satisfactory condition in April 2019.

+1.4pp since 2018

89.6% of pupils in schools in good or satistactory condition in April 2019.

+2.7pp since 2018

86.0% of schools of a good or satisfactory suitability in April 2019.

+1.7pp since 2018

87.7% of pupils in schools of a good or satisfactory suitability in April 2019.

pp = percentage points

The statistics in this bulletin supersede all previously published statistics.

Supplementary data tables can be found at:

Requests for additional analysis can be e-mailed to:



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