School estate statistics 2024
Statistics from the 2024 school estates core facts survey
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Revisions since the 2023 publication
In 2024 the method for calculating the percentage of schools or pupils for a given condition or suitability was revised. The percentage is now based on the total number of schools where a rating was reported. Previous publications based the calculation on the total number of schools in the survey which included a small number of schools where no rating was reported. Percentages for previous years have been updated to reflect this new approach therefore historical figures in the 2024 tables may differ very slightly from those in earlier publications.
Previous revisions
In 2023 the data on schools built/refurbished in 2021/22 was revised to take account of additional information received whilst collecting the 2023 school estates data. This was due to one school being recorded as built/substantially refurbished in the 2021 school estates survey when the work was not completed until mid-April 2022.
In 2022 the data on schools built/refurbished in 2020/21 was revised to take account of additional information received whilst collecting the 2022 school estates data. This was due to one school being recorded as built/substantially refurbished in the 2021 school estates survey when the work was not completed until mid-April 2021/22.
School roll figures used in all tables with pupil numbers and percentages in the 2018 and 2019 publications were updated in September 2020 as pupils in special schools had been erroneously excluded from these statistics.
Data on the percentage of schools in a good or satisfactory condition in 2016 were corrected in 2017 due to 2015 percentages being used in error and so differ slightly from figures previously published in the supplementary tables. These figures were also amended in table 5.1 of the supplementary tables. This did not affect the 2016 figures on the number of schools in good or satisfactory condition.
In 2012, we revised the data on schools built in 2010/11 to take account of additional information received whilst collecting the 2012 school estates data. This was due to one school being recorded as built/substantially refurbished on the 2011 school estates return when the work was not completed until 2011/12.
Suitability figures for 2010, 2011 and 2012 were corrected in 2013 to take account of revised suitability information for one East Dunbartonshire school in 2010, 39 in 2011 and one in 2012 and so differ slightly from previously published figures.
As a result of changes to the Local Government Finance collections we are no longer producing information on capital and revenue expenditure on the school estate. Changes to the way the local government finance recorded NPD/PFI rebuilds have meant it is no longer possible to produce this on a consistent basis. If you require this information please contact us.
Scheduled revisions
There are no scheduled revisions to these statistics. The Scottish Government policy on revisions and corrections is available here: Official Statistics Policy - Revisions and Corrections.
It is not always feasible to correct all instances of incorrect statistics across all historical publications and releases. However, all statistics shown in new publication bulletins will be correct at the time of release.
Corrections to published school estate statistics are described in the notes above.
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