School Leaver Follow-up Destinations - Data Sources and Methodology

Information on the data sources and methodology used in the production of school leaver follow-up destinations.

UK comparisons

The information presented in the school leaver follow-up destinations publications is for young people who have left school in Scotland. In England and Wales information is also collected on school leaver destinations, but these statistics are not directly comparable as they use different methodologies.

For example, the Scotland follow-up destination figures use a snapshot of status as at April, while figures for England and Wales consider the sustained destination over a six-month period (October – March).

Information is also collected in England and Wales on participation of 16-18 year olds in education, employment or training at a snapshot in time. However these figures include all young people of ages 16-18 irrespective of whether they were a school leaver or not. As a result direct comparisons cannot be made.

Additionally, in Northern Ireland (NI), statistics are published on destinations of school leavers, but due to differences in methodology direct comparisons cannot be made. For example, the NI destinations collection is based on a survey of destinations manually inputted by schools. The timing of the collections is also different: NI destinations are as at November/December, compared to April for follow-up destination statistics in Scotland.



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