
School transport guidance 2021

This document updates the guidance to local authorities about the provision of school transport and replaces the School Transport Guidance Circular issued in 2003 (Circular No 7/2003 ).


1. This document updates the guidance to local authorities[1] about the provision of school transport and replaces the School Transport Guidance Circular issued in 2003 (Circular No 7/2003[2]).

2. The establishment and delivery of an effective school transport system is an important responsibility for all local authorities and supports the Scottish Government's commitment to ensure that every child has the best start in life and is able to fulfil their potential.

3. Local authorities have functions in law[3] relating to travel to school and many parents rely on the school transport provided by their local authority to get their children to and from school.

4. This guidance deals only with school transport and travel to and/or from any place where school pupils receive education or training in general. It does not deal with travel arrangements for pre-school children, travel in connection with extracurricular activities, or travel between school and college of further education.

5. This guidance should be read in conjunction with the 'Guide to Improving School Transport Safety 2010'[4].



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