School uniform and clothing guidance: equality impact assessment

Results for the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) undertaken to consider the impacts on equality of the guidance on school uniform and clothing in Scotland.

Recommendations and Conclusion

The Equality Impact analysis has supporting understanding of issues that impact pupils, parents and carers with protected characteristics and has helped to ensure that these matters are reflected within the guidance on school clothing and uniform.

Assessment and analysis of the equality impact has concluded that the guidance will have mainly positive impacts on pupils and their families. It will improve outcomes for communities and support the removal of barriers to learning to ensure that pupils can participate and engage with their school education.

The Scottish Government will continue to engage with education authorities, schools, 3rd sector partners and others as appropriate to support implementation of the school clothing and uniform guidance in schools. We will consider further opportunities to support schools to implement this key policy and ensure that we deliver on our commitment to reduce the cost of the school day and support an equal and inclusive approach to school uniform and clothing.



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