School uniform and clothing guidance: equality impact assessment

Results for the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) undertaken to consider the impacts on equality of the guidance on school uniform and clothing in Scotland.


1. Evidence identifies six priority family types as being at highest risk of child poverty: lone parent families, minority ethnic families, families with a disabled adult or child, families with a younger mother (under 25), families with a child under one, and larger families (three or more children) - Tackling child poverty priority families overview - (

2. Schedule 13 of the Equality Act 2010

3. Gender Inequality and Societal Attitudes Report: everyday-heroes-briefing3-Gender.pdf (

4. School Uniform: Dressing Girls to Fail (2021) A Report by Let Clothes Be Clothes for the Department for Education

5. Table 1: Teenage pregnancy by year - -

6. Stonewall | School Report 2017

7. Figure 22 of Summary statistics for schools in Scotland 2023 - Summary statistics for schools in Scotland 2023 - (

8. Hair Equality Report 2019 -



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