School uniform and clothing: Guidance for schools and education authorities

This guidance provides schools and education authorities with advice to support local decisions about the design and implementation of school uniform and clothing policies in Scotland.

Key principles

All school uniform and clothing policies should be informed and underpinned by the following key principles.

School uniform and clothing policies should:

  • be informed by the views of pupils
  • be informed by the views of parents, carers, teachers and school staff
  • minimise the cost of school uniform and clothing for families
  • consider and commit to fair and environmentally sustainable approaches
  • support an inclusive, welcoming and equitable school culture
  • promote equality, including recognising specific matters relating to religion and belief, race, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment and pregnancy and maternity
  • eliminate unnecessary barriers to participation and engagement of pupils in school education
  • apply to all school clothing, including PE and senior phase
  • recognise the need for practicality, including in relation to weather and seasonal needs
  • recognise and build upon current good practice within schools
  • support and encourage pupils to observe school uniform and clothing polices, while recognising their individual needs, circumstances and identity
  • continue the position of no legal requirement upon pupils to wear school uniform



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