
School uniform and clothing: a summary of guidance for schools and education authorities

A summary of guidance for schools and education authorities to support the design and implementation of school uniform and clothing policies in Scotland.

Key considerations

Pupils’ comfort, happiness and freedom to learn and play should be at the centre of considerations about school uniform and clothing, alongside a focus on removing barriers to participation in school education.

A graphic showing the key considerations:
Equality, diversity and inclusion

Schools are expected to consider and respond to three key areas in the design and implementation of their uniform and clothing policy. These are set out in the table below alongside a summary of key measures that schools should consider. This is aligned to the School Clothing: Framework for Action which further highlights key considerations, presents challenge questions and includes links to further reading, research, and guidance. 

The key considerations overlap and intersect. The three key strands should be considered as equally important, with decisions about school uniform and clothing policies taken holistically to achieve a balanced and integrated approach that addresses the needs, circumstances and identities of the school community and reflects the wider values of Scottish education.

It is important that schools have robust arrangements in place to regularly review their uniform and clothing policies. This will help to ensure that they continue to meet the needs of pupils and the school community and align to broader education policies and those which support key action to tackle child poverty and achieve the aims of Net Zero.



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