Science of salmon stocking: report
The Science of Stocking report "scientific considerations in stocking policy development for river managers Scottish marine and freshwater science Vol 14 No 3" brings together the science behind the various considerations needed to be taken prior to and following stocking, with a view to aiding design of salmon management strategies that balance risks and benefits within a broad policy framework.
Aas, Ø., Cucherousset, J., Fleming, I. A., Wolter, C., Höjesjö, J., Buoro, M., Santoul, F., et al. 2018. Salmonid stocking in five North Atlantic jurisdictions: Identifying drivers and barriers to policy change. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 28(6): 1451-1464.
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Amoroso, R. O., Tillotson, M. D., and Hilborn, R. 2017. Measuring the net biological impact of fisheries enhancement: pink salmon hatcheries can increase yield, but with apparent costs to wild populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 74(8): 1233-1242.
Anderson, J. H., Faulds, P. L., Atlas, W. I., and Quinn, T. P. 2013. Reproductive success of captively bred and naturally spawned Chinook salmon colonizing newly accessible habitat. Evolutionary Applications, 6(2): 165-179.
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Aprahamian, M. W., Martin Smith, K., McGinnity, P., McKelvey, S., and Taylor, J. 2003. Restocking of salmonids - opportunities and limitations. Fisheries Research, 62: 211-227.
Araki, H., Berejikian, B. A., Ford, M. J., and Blouin, M. S. 2008. Fitness of hatchery-reared salmonids in the wild. Evolutionary Applications, 1(2): 342-355.
Araki, H., Cooper, B., and Blouin, M. S. 2007. Genetic effects of captive breeding cause a rapid, cumulative fitness decline in the wild. Science, 318: 100-103.
Araki, H., Cooper, B., and Blouin, M. S. 2009. Carry-over effect of captive breeding reduces reproductive fitness of wild-born descendants in the wild. Biology Letters, 23: 621-624.
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Aykanat, T., Ozerov, M., Vaha, J. P., Orell, P., Niemela, E., Erkinaro, J., and Primmer, C. R. 2019. Co-inheritance of sea age at maturity and iteroparity in the Atlantic salmon vgll3 genomic region. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 32(4): 343-355.
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Bacon, P. J., Malcolm, I. A., Fryer, R. J., Glover, R. S., Millar, C. P., and Youngson, A. F. 2015. Can Conservation Stocking Enhance Juvenile Emigrant Production in Wild Atlantic Salmon? Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 144(3): 642-654.
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Berejikian, B. A., Hard, J. J., Tatara, C. P., Van Doornik, D. M., Swanson, P., and Larsen, D. A. 2016. Rearing strategies alter patterns of size-selective mortality and heritable size variation in steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 74(2): 273-283.
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Castellani, M., Heino, M., Gilbey, J., Araki, H., Svåsand, T., and Glover, K. A. 2018. Modelling fitness changes in wild Atlantic salmon populations faced by spawning intrusion of domesticated escapees. Evolutionary Applications, 11(6): 1010-1025.
Cauwelier, E., Gilbey, J., Sampayo, J., Stradmeyer, L., and Middlemas, S. 2018a. Identification of a single genomic region associated with seasonal river return timing in adult Scottish Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) identified using a genome-wide association study. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 75(9): 1427-1435.
Cauwelier, E., Verspoor, E., Coulson, M. W., Armstrong, A., Knox, D., Stradmeyer, L., Webster, L. M. I., et al. 2018b. Ice sheets and genetics: Insights into the phylogeography of Scottish Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Journal of Biogeography, 45(1): 51-63.
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Chaput, G., Knight, P., Russell, I., Sivertsen, A., Hutchinson, P., and Forero Segovia, S. L. 2017. Understanding the risks and benefits of hatchery and stocking activities to wild Atlantic salmon populations. Report of a Theme-based Special Session of the Council of NASCO. NASCO Council document CNL(17)61. 116 pp.
Chatterji, R., Longley, D., Sandford, D., Roberts, D., and Stubbing, D. 2007. Performance of Stocked Triploid and Diploid Brown Trout and Their Effects on Wild Brown Trout in UK Rivers, The Game Conservatory Trust and Environment Agency.
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