
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: education and training strategy

A Strategy which offers a programme of actions for education, training and lifelong learning in Scotland to achieve our goals for STEM.

1 Ministerial Foreword

Photo of Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science

In setting out the bold and ambitious programme for this Government last month, the First Minister focused on the actions we will take to ensure we have a country that is properly equipped for the next decade and beyond, where we aspire to be the inventor and manufacturer of the innovations that will shape the future. In a time of unprecedented global change, our Programme for Government emphasises the importance of finding and seizing the opportunities and harnessing the forces of change that will allow us to shape our destiny and ensure an inclusive, fair, prosperous and innovative Scotland that looks to and embraces the future.

In realising this, it is critical that Scotland recognises the value of, and achieves its full potential in science, technology, engineering and mathematics ( STEM). The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring we have a highly educated and skilled population equipped with the STEM skills, knowledge and capability required to adapt and thrive in the fast-paced changing world and economy around us. We have a rich history of expertise, innovation and achievement in STEM that has seen Scotland contribute so much to the world. As we look to the future, it is imperative that we maximise the opportunities presented in our country’s innovative spirit. We must continue to welcome and embrace innovation but, moreover, we must strive to lead that innovation in the world. It is through fostering such ambition, and by ensuring the conditions for it to flourish, that Scotland will rise to challenges and seize the opportunities that will stimulate our economy and build the society we want now and in the future.

This strategy sets out our vision of a Scotland where everyone is encouraged and supported to develop their STEM capability throughout their lives, enabling them to be inquiring, productive and innovative, both in order to grow STEM literacy in society and to drive inclusive economic growth. Focusing on key themes of excellence, equity, inspiration and connection, it is designed to drive improvement in relation to STEM and ensure co-ordinated and focused action right across the education, training and skills landscape in Scotland. I am confident that with collective determination in the pursuit of this vision and through taking the actions set out this strategy we can unlock the opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish and thrive.

Shirley-Anne Somerville MBE

Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science

October 2017


Email: Frank Creamer

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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