
Historic forced adoption - scoping study: research findings

A summary of findings from research to scope the support needs of people affected by historic forced adoption in Scotland.

Access to records

Some interviewees explained that another motivation for accessing documents, besides search and reunion activity, is to help them understand the circumstances and events that led to the adoption. These include written records about the adoption, such as social work, NHS and court documents containing case notes and descriptions of meetings from the time of the adoption.

However, research participants identified various challenges in accessing records including: restricted access rights; records that have been lost, are illegible, incomplete or potentially inaccurate; and difficulties around legal jargon or stigmatising terminology.

Research participants identified gaps and improvements needed, including: practical help and guidance to find and understand records; enhanced emotional support to help individuals process any upsetting information they find, and to deal with disappointment when records are unavailable or lacking detail; more time to review records; and ensuring people can photograph or photocopy records which contain information about them.



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