Scotland 2045 - fourth National Planning Framework - draft housing land requirement: explanatory report

Explanatory report for the draft housing land requirement as part of Scotland 2045 our fourth National Planning Framework.


HfS Homes for Scotland

HLA Housing Land Audit

HMP Housing Market Partnership

HNDA Housing Need and Demand Assessment

HoTOC HoTOC is the proxy method built into the HNDA Tool which is a count of homeless households in temporary accommodation and households who are both overcrowded and concealed.

HST Housing Supply Target

IDE Initial Default Estimate

LA Local Authority(ities)

LDP Local Development Plan

LHS Local Housing Strategy

LAE Locally Adjusted Estimate

MATHLR Minimum All Tenure Housing Land Requirement

NB1/NB2 returns Private sector and local authority housing completions notified to the Scottish Government by local authorities.

NPF National Planning Framework: a long-term plan for Scotland that sets out where development and infrastructure is needed to support sustainable and inclusive growth.

NPF4 The Fourth National Planning Framework will be part of the statutory development plan. The Third NPF was published in June, 2014. NPF2 was published in July 2009 and NPF1 in April, 2004.

NRS National Records of Scotland

Q&A Questions and Answers

SHIP Strategic Housing Investment Plan

SLPA Strategic Local Planning Agreement, associated with SHIPs

SPP Scottish Planning Policy



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