
Scotland 2045 - fourth National Planning Framework - draft - national developments: assessment report

Report of assessment for the draft national developments as part of Scotland 2045 Our Fourth National Planning Framework.

Annex A: Proposed National Developments in the Draft NPF4

1 Central Scotland Green Network

Classes of development:

a) Land for new and/or extensions to areas for multi-functional green infrastructure including for: emissions sequestration; adaptation to climate change; biodiversity enhancement;

b) Reuse of vacant and derelict land and buildings for greening and nature-based solutions;

c) New and/or upgraded sustainable surface water management and drainage systems and the creation of blue space;

d) Use of land for allotments or community food growing; and

e) Routes for active travel and or recreation.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Spatial Strategy Sustainable, Liveable Places:

  • Spatial principles: local living, balanced development and urban and rural synergy.
  • Helps deliver: Action 13 'Pioneer low carbon resilient urban living', Action 15 'Accelerate urban greening' and Action 20 'Reimagine development on the urban fringe'.

2 National Walking, Cycling and Wheeling Network

Classes of development:

a) New/and or upgraded routes suitable for a range of users for walking, cycling and wheeling that help create a national network that facilitates short and longer distance journeys and linkages to multi-modal hubs.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Spatial Strategy Sustainable, Liveable Places:

  • Spatial principles: compact growth, local living, balanced development, and urban and rural synergy.
  • Helps deliver: Action 3 'Protect and enhance blue and green infrastructure', Action 5 'Strengthen networks of resilient communities', Action 8 'Strengthen resilience and decarbonise connectivity', Action 10 'Improve local liveability', Action 12 'Decarbonise connectivity', Action 13 'Pioneer low carbon, resilient urban living', Action 16 'Rediscover urban coasts and waterfronts', Action 19 'Grow a wellbeing economy', Action 20 'Reimagine development on the urban fringe', Action 23 'Support sustainable development', and Action 25 'Strengthen resilience and decarbonise connectivity'.

3 Urban Mass/Rapid Transit Networks

Classes of development:

a) Track or road infrastructure;

b) Fuelling or power infrastructure;

c) Passenger facilities; and

d) Depots servicing the networks.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Spatial Strategy Sustainable, Liveable Places:

  • Spatial principles: compact growth, and local living.
  • Helps deliver: Action 12 'Decarbonise connectivity', Action 19 'Grow a wellbeing economy' and Action 21 'Improve urban accessibility'

4 Urban Sustainable, Blue and Green Drainage Solutions

Classes of development:

a) Spaces, infrastructure, works, structures, buildings, pipelines and nature-based approaches for surface water management and drainage systems.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Spatial Strategy Sustainable, Liveable Places:

  • Spatial principles: compact growth, and urban and rural synergy.
  • Helps deliver Action 13 'Pioneer low carbon, resilient urban living', Action 14 'Reinvent and future proof city centres', Action 15 'Accelerate urban greening', and Action 18 'Invest in net zero housing solutions'.

5 Circular Economy Materials Management Facilities

Classes of development:

a) Facilities for managing secondary materials;

b) Repurposing facilities;

c) Reprocessing facilities; and

d) Recycling facilities.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Spatial Strategy Sustainable, Liveable Places:

  • Spatial principles: local living, and conserving and recycling assets.
  • Helps deliver Action 13 'Pioneer low carbon, resilient urban living', and Action 18 'Invest in net zero housing solutions'.

6 Digital Fibre Network

Classes of development:

a) Installation of new and/or upgraded broadband cabling on land and sub-sea for fixed line and mobile networks; and

b) Green data centres.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Spatial Strategy Sustainable, Liveable Places:

  • Spatial principles: local living, and balanced development.
  • Helps deliver Action 1 'Create carbon neutral coastal and island communities', Action 4 'Strengthen resilience and decarbonise connectivity', Action 5 'Strengthen networks of resilient communities', Action 6 'Stimulate green prosperity', Action 8 'Strengthen resilience and decarbonise connectivity', Action 12 'Decarbonise connectivity', Action 13 'Pioneer low carbon, resilient urban living', Action 19 'Grow a wellbeing economy', Action 20 'Reimagine development on the urban fringe', Action 21 'Improve urban accessibility', Action 23 'Support sustainable development' and Action 25 'Strengthen resilience and decarbonise connectivity'.

7 Islands Hub for Net Zero

Classes of development:

a) Buildings, land and structures for development providing employment related to delivering the Islands Hub for Net Zero;

b) New or updated on and/or offshore infrastructure for energy generation from renewables of or exceeding 50 megawatts capacity;

c) Electricity transmission cables and converter stations on and offshore of or exceeding 132kv;

d) Infrastructure for the production, storage and transportation of low and zero-carbon fuels (that are not electricity or heat) including renewable hydrogen; and hydrogen production related chemicals including ammonia with appropriate carbon capture linked to transport and storage infrastructure;

e) Improved oil storage infrastructure for Stornoway, with appropriate emissions abatement;

f) Quay to service marine energy, energy transportation, energy decommissioning, fabrication or freight handling, including new or enhanced associated laydown or operational area at Arnish, Scapa Flow, and Kirkwall.

g) Quay and handling facilities for ultra large container ships in Scapa Flow; and

h) Oil terminal modifications at Scapa Flow and Shetland to maintain asset use moving towards net zero emissions.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Spatial Strategy Sustainable, Productive Places:

  • Spatial principles: local living, balanced development.
  • Helps deliver: putting North and West coast and islands at the forefront of our efforts to reach net zero emissions.
  • Helps deliver: Action 2 'Support the Blue and Wellbeing Economies; and Action 4 'Strengthen resilience and decarbonise connectivity'.

8 Industrial Green Transition Zones

Classes of development:

a) Carbon capture with high capture rates and negative emission technologies, transportation and storage of captured carbon forming part of or helping to create an expandable national network;

b) Pipeline for transportation and storage of captured carbon;

c) Onshore infrastructure including compression equipment, supporting pipeline transportation and shipping transportation of captured carbon and/or hydrogen;

d) Offshore storage of captured carbon;

e) New and/or upgraded buildings and facilities for the utilisation of captured carbon;

f) Infrastructure for the production of hydrogen;

g) On or near-shore geological storage of hydrogen;

h) Port facilities for the transport and handling of hydrogen and carbon dioxide;

i) The application of Carbon Capture and Storage technology to existing or replacement thermal power generation capacity;

j) Production, storage and transportation with appropriate emissions abatement of: bioenergy; hydrogen production related chemicals including ammonia;

k) New and/or upgraded buildings for industrial, manufacturing, business, and educational or research uses related to the industrial transition;

l) Town centre regeneration at Grangemouth;

m) Grangemouth flood protection scheme;

n) New and/or upgraded green and blue infrastructure;

o) New and/or upgraded utilities and/or local energy network; and

p) New and/or upgraded facilities at the port for inter-modal freight handling and passenger facilities at Grangemouth.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Spatial Strategy Sustainable, Productive Places:

  • Spatial principles: local living, compact growth, conserving and recycling assets.
  • Helps deliver: North East Transition, moving industry and business away from the oil and gas sector.
  • Helps deliver: Central Urban Transformation for decarbonisation.
  • Helps deliver: Action 9 'Transition to net zero'; Action 13 'Pioneer low carbon, resilient urban living', Action 16 'Rediscover urban coasts and waterfronts', and Action 19 'Grow a wellbeing economy'.

9 Pumped Hydro Storage

Classes of development:

a) New and/or expanded and/or upgraded water holding reservoir and dam;

b) New and/or upgraded electricity generating plant structures or buildings;

c) New and/or upgraded pump plant structures or buildings;

d) New and/or expanded and/or upgraded water inlet and outlet pipework;

e) New and/or upgraded substations and/or transformers directly required for the pumped hydro scheme; and

f) New and/or replacement transmission cables directly linked to the pumped hydro scheme.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Spatial Strategy Sustainable, Productive Places:

  • Spatial principles: balanced development, conserving and recycling assets.
  • Helps deliver Action 6 'Stimulate green prosperity'.

10 Hunterston Strategic Asset

Classes of development:

a) Infrastructure to support a multi-modal deep water harbour;

b) Land and buildings for bulk handling, storage, processing and distribution;

c) Facilities for marine energy generation technology fabrication and decommissioning;

d) Facilities for marine energy servicing;

e) Land and buildings for industrial, commercial, research and development, and training uses;

f) Infrastructure for the capture, transportation and long term storage of greenhouse gas emissions, where transportation may be by pipe or vehicular means;

g) Infrastructure for the production, storage and transportation of low carbon and renewable hydrogen; and hydrogen production related chemicals including ammonia; and

h) Infrastructure for the generation and storage of electricity from renewables of or exceeding 50 megawatts.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Spatial Strategy Sustainable, Productive Places:

  • Spatial principles: compact growth, local living, balanced development, and conserving and recycling assets.
  • Helps deliver the Central urban transformation.
  • Helps deliver: Action 16 'Rediscover urban coasts and waterfronts, Action 17 'Reuse land and buildings', and Action 19 'Grow a wellbeing economy'.

11 Chapelcross Power Station Redevelopment

Classes of development:

a) Commercial, industrial, manufacturing, and office related development occurring on the Chapelcross development site.

b) Generation of electricity from renewables of or exceeding 50 megawatts capacity;

c) Production of low carbon and renewable hydrogen and related chemicals (including ammonia), its transmission, transportation and storage, with carbon capture as necessary; and

d) Active and sustainable travel connection to the site.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Spatial Strategy Sustainable, Productive Places:

  • Spatial principles: balanced development.
  • Helps deliver Action 23 'Support sustainable development'.

12 Strategic Renewable Electricity Generation and Transmission Infrastructure

Classes of development:

a) Electricity generation, including electricity storage, from renewables of or exceeding 50 megawatts capacity;

b) New and/or replacement high voltage electricity lines and interconnectors of 132kv or more; and

c) New and/or upgraded infrastructure directly supporting high voltage electricity lines and interconnectors including converter stations, switching stations and substations.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Spatial Strategy Sustainable, Productive Places:

  • Spatial Principles: local living, conserving and recycling assets.
  • Helps deliver: Action 2 'Support the Blue and Wellbeing Economies', Action 6 'Stimulate green prosperity', Action 18 'Invest in net zero housing solutions', and Action 24 'Innovate to sustain and enhance natural capital'.

13 High Speed Rail

Classes of development:

a) New and/or upgraded railway track and electrification solution (overhead cabling and pylons or on track);

b) New and/or upgraded multi-modal railway stations to service highspeed lines; and

c) Depot facilities for high-speed trains and/or related to the construction and onward maintenance of the UK high-speed rail infrastructure.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Spatial Strategy Sustainable, Productive Places:

  • Helps deliver: reducing transport emissions.
  • Helps deliver Action 21 'Improve urban accessibility'.

14 Clyde Mission

Classes of development:

a) Mixed use, including residential, redevelopment of vacant and derelict land;

b) New, reused and/or upgraded buildings and facilities for residential, commercial, business and industrial uses;

c) Upgrade of existing port and harbour assets for servicing marine functions including freight and cruise uses and associated landside commercial and/or industrial land for supporting services;

d) New and/or upgraded active and sustainable travel and recreation routes and infrastructure; and

e) New and/or upgraded infrastructure for climate adaptation, including nature-based, green and blue solutions.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Sustainable, Distinctive Places:

  • Spatial principles: compact growth, local living, balanced development, and conserving and recycling assets.
  • Helps deliver: Action 13 'Pioneering low carbon resilient urban living', Action 14 'Reinvent and future proof city centres', Action 16 'Rediscover urban coasts and waterfronts', Action 17 'Reuse land and buildings', Action 18 'Invest in net zero housing solutions', and Action 19 'Grow a wellbeing economy'.

15 Aberdeen Harbour

Classes of development:

a) Mixed use development reusing land at the existing (north) Aberdeen Harbour;

b) Upgraded port facilities at Aberdeen Harbour and completion of South Harbour;

c) New and/or upgraded green infrastructure;

d) Buildings and facilities for commercial, manufacturing and industrial uses;

e) Infrastructure for renewable hydrogen production and hydrogen production related chemicals including ammonia; and

f) Transport infrastructure, including for sustainable and active travel, for the South Harbour as supported by the Aberdeen City Region Deal.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Sustainable, Distinctive Places:

  • Spatial principles: compact growth, and conserving and recycling assets.
  • Helps deliver: Action 9 'Transition to net zero.

16 Dundee Waterfront

Classes of development:

a) New and/or upgraded buildings for mixed use and/or residential development;

b) New and/or upgraded buildings for commercial, industrial, business, storage, distribution, research, educational, tourism use;

c) New and/or upgraded utilities;

d) New and/or upgraded active and sustainable travel routes;

e) Land reclamation for port expansion;

f) New and/or upgraded port facilities for vessel berthing and related landside activities including for lay-down, freight handling and marine sector services; and

g) New and/or upgraded green and blue infrastructure.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Sustainable, Distinctive Places:

  • Spatial principles: compact growth, local living, balanced development, and conserving and recycling assets.
  • Helps deliver Action 13 'Pioneer low carbon, resilient urban living', Action 14 'Reinvent and future proof city centres', Action 15 'Accelerate urban greening', Action 16 'Rediscover urban coasts and waterfronts', Action 17 'Reuse land and buildings', and Action 19 'Grow a wellbeing economy'.

17 Edinburgh Waterfront

Classes of development:

a) New and/or upgraded buildings for mixed use and/or residential development;

b) New and/or upgraded buildings for commercial, industrial, business use;

c) New and/or upgraded utilities;

d) New and/or upgraded green and blue infrastructure;

e) New and/or upgraded active and sustainable travel routes;

f) New and/or upgraded port facilities for vessel berthing and related landside activities including for lay-down, and marine sector services.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Sustainable, Distinctive Places:

  • Spatial principles: compact growth, local living, balanced development, and conserving and recycling assets.
  • Helps deliver: Action 13 'Pioneer low carbon, resilient urban living', Action 15 'Accelerate urban greening', Action 16 'Rediscover urban coasts and waterfronts', Action 17 'Reuse land and buildings', Action 18 'Invest in net zero housing solutions', and Action 19 'Grow a wellbeing economy'.

18 Stranraer Gateway

Classes of development:

a) Development contributing to Stranraer Waterfront regeneration;

b) Marina expansion;

c) Redevelopment of Stranraer harbour east pier;

d) Sustainable road, rail and freight infrastructure for access to Stranraer and/or Cairnryan;

e) New and/or upgraded infrastructure for transportation and use of low carbon fuels; and

f) Reuse of vacant and derelict land and buildings, including regeneration of Blackparks industrial estate.

Relationship with the Spatial Strategy:

Sustainable, Distinctive Places:

  • Spatial principles: compact growth, local living, balanced development, and conserving and recycling assets.
  • Helps deliver: Action 22 'Create a low carbon network of towns', Action 23 'Support sustainable development', and Action 25 'Strengthen resilience and decarbonise connectivity'.



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