
Scotland 2045 - fourth National Planning Framework - draft - national developments: assessment report

Report of assessment for the draft national developments as part of Scotland 2045 Our Fourth National Planning Framework.

Annex B: Suggestions Contributing to the Proposed National Developments (in whole or in part)


Description of Suggestions Received

Suggestion titles (where grouped)

Assessment Summary (for further discussion of fit with the spatial strategy see Annex A)

Proposed National Development

Sustainable, Liveable Places

Central Scotland Green Network (CSGN)

One of Europe's largest greenspace and green infrastructure projects. Focused on the central belt but delivering benefits for all Scotland.

Update the current national development to consider the following aspects:

  • Extend spatial coverage to all Scotland, or more areas including urban areas and hinterlands
  • Emissions reduction
  • Emissions sequestration
  • Emissions off-setting
  • Climate change adaptation/resilience, including catchment scale water management through nature based solutions learning from Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen partnership approaches
  • Biodiversity net gain, support, reduced fragmentation/improved connectivity, rewilding, peatland and habitat restoration
  • Active travel and improved community connectivity, including the Pilgrims Way and coastal path networks
  • Recreation
  • Step change in environmental and place quality
  • Addressing disadvantage, improving health and wellbeing
  • Attracting investment/inward investment
  • Include Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Network, established green networks on the East coast
  • Include green and blue networks
  • Tree planting at scale

Call for Ideas:

Central Scotland Green Network (15); National Green Network; Scotland Green Network

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth / place.

Central Scotland Green Network

Walking and Cycling Network

Continue/enhance current national development including closing gaps in the network like between Routes 1 and 67 of the National Cycle Network, connect NCN78 to the Great Glen and NCN780 as a 'Route to the Isles', focus on active travel as well as recreation/leisure, for residents and visitors in order to promote modal shift and post COVID recovery/access. Creating an integrated, connected active travel system. Make linkages with public transport. Provide funding and skills support. Link with green networks and the potential for a coastal path corridor.

Need strategic, national and regional approaches to support local delivery to close gaps. Need segregated cycle lanes on strategic routes, residential/local roads re- designed to prioritise walking, create multi-modal hubs (for daily and tourism trips), maintain infrastructure, integrate core paths with the leisure routes, include upland paths, promotion of tourist routes. Re-design streets and neighbourhoods to prioritise walking and cycling.

Long distance national networks linking to local networks and public transport connections with services with suitable carrying capacity.

Should be a range of routes to serve different abilities.

Focus on improvement/development of nationally important routes contributing to given themes/spatial priorities within existing networks.

Include Strategic Active Travel Highway Network. Should define strategic routes to allow applications for local routes to be processed appropriately. Should prompt local route identification in local development plans, regional spatial strategies and master plans.

Map based to identify, expand and promote Scotland's path network. For transport and leisure.

Call for Ideas:

Long Distance Cycling and Walking Network; National Walking and Cycling Infrastructure; Scotland's national walking and cycling network; National Long Distance Cycling and Walking Network (4); Bus policy / infrastructure; National Walking and Cycling Network (2); Link Route 1 (Eyemouth to Edinburgh through the Borders) to Route 67 (of National Cycling Network); National Coastal Path.

Position Statement:

Long Distance Cycling and Walking Network; Improvement/Development of Nationally significant path routes; National Walking and Cycling Network / Strategic Active Travel Highway Network; National Walking and Cycling Infrastructure

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth / place.

National Walking, Cycling and Wheeling Network; Central Scotland Green Network

South West Scotland Coastal Path

To establish a continuous 500km coastal path from the England/Scotland border to Cairnryan

Position Statement:

South West Coastal Path

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth / place.

National Walking, Cycling and Wheeling Network

Light Rail Networks in Scotland's Major Cities

An extension and development of light rail networks in Scottish cities. These light rail networks should be fully integrated with other local public transport as well as heavy rail.

Edinburgh – Tram through Leith to Newhaven via Roseburn; City Centre to Royal Infirmary; City-wide to suburbs and new developments.

Glasgow – Glasgow Metro rapid transit system; adapt heavy rail to accommodate light rail; re-opening disused heavy rail lines for light rail; new light rail to connect strategic locations.

Aberdeen – New tram network needed to support population growth and regeneration while combatting congestion and air pollution.

Dundee - New tram network needed to support population growth and regeneration while combatting congestion and air pollution.

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth / place.

Urban Mass/Rapid Transit Networks

Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Partnership (MGSDP)

Strategic partnership approach for water and drainage infrastructure investment to build climate change resilience and unlock potential development sites.

Broaden role to link with green infrastructure and climate change.

Apply the approach to other urban centres and regions.

Call for Ideas:

Glasgow Drainage system; The Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Partnership (MGSDP); Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Partnership

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth / place

Urban Sustainable, Blue and Green Drainage Solutions

Material and Resources Management Facilities Network

A country-wide network of planned, complementary, full spectrum material and resource management facilities:

  • Recycling facilities
  • Re-purposing facilities
  • Reprocessing facilities

Position Statement:

Additional reprocessing capacity (Material and Resources Management Facilities Network).

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth / place.

Circular Economy Materials Management Facilities

Scottish Circular Economy and Innovation Park (SCEIP)

A national centre that takes household and business waste and returns that waste as new resources back into the Scottish economy.

Waste not capable of recycling is used for electricity and heat to power on-site processes.

Would include Scotland's first plastic reprocessing facility.

World first fully integrated site.

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth / place.

Circular Economy Materials Management Facilities

Digital Fibre Network

Continue National Digital Network current national development to achieve continual modernisation and national coverage. Strategic funding should be provided. Include contribution of developers locally to digital connectivity.


  • Outer Hebrides Gigabit Fibre Network
  • Fixed fibre as part of R100 Project and City Region Deal
  • roll-out of 4 and 5G networks
  • Data centres powered by low carbon energy

Call for Ideas:

Digital Network; Digital fibre network; National Digital Fibre Network

Position Statement:

Digital Network; Digital Fibre Network; Digital connectivity

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth / place.

Digital Fibre Network

Sustainable, Productive Places

Arnish Renewables Base and Deep Water Port

An Islands Centre for Net Zero Carbon proposed across the 3 islands groups (Orkney, Shetland, Outer Hebrides), a renewables centre in the form of the Outer Hebrides Energy Hub; landfall for interconnector; and a new deep water port which will facilitate regional and national development and innovation.

Development includes:

  • 550m quayside at 10+ metre depth
  • 7.5 hectares laydown area for renewable energy components
  • Cruise Berth
  • Roll-on/Roll-off facilities and warehousing
  • 11,000 square metres covered and 10,000 square metres open fabrication and assembly area
  • Ship refuelling facilities for marine gas, oil and hydrogen
  • Oil storage depot with decarbonisation capability (relocated from Stornoway town centre)
  • Hydrogen Electrolysers powered by community owned onshore wind for hydrogen production to run in existing gas grid and for export.
  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth.

Islands Hub for Net Zero

Trans-European Hydrogen Connected Hubs

Delivery of half of Europe's energy from Hydrogen by 2050 through production of green hydrogen from North Sea wind for export including using existing gas and other infrastructure to connect UK hubs:

  • Hydrogen production using: PEM Electrolysers (on and offshore)
  • Infrastructure for storage and transportation of hydrogen
  • On and offshore refurbished and new pipelines and associated pumping or compression equipment for hydrogen transportation.
  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth.

Islands Hub for Net Zero

Shetland Energy Hub

Large Scale Energy Hub integrating renewable electricity generation, carbon capture utilisation and storage, hydrogen production, also enables development of remaining oil and gas resources.

Development includes:

  • Onshore/offshore converter station
  • Strategic wind farms for powering offshore platforms or the grid
  • Offshore pipelines repurposed for carbon dioxide and hydrogen
  • New on and offshore pipelines for hydrogen transport and storage (geological and above ground)
  • On or directly offshore carbon capture infrastructure
  • Port and harbour infrastructure for hydrogen export
  • Sullom Voe Oil Terminal modifications
  • Lerwick power station modifications
  • Potential for positive effects on people / inclusive growth.

Islands Hub for Net Zero

Scapa Flow strategic asset, Scapa Flow – Marco Polo super port/container transhipment

Scapa Flow Port and Container Facilities, requiring new port and harbour related construction and support for projects highlighted in NPF3. Supports offshore platform servicing; construction, operation and maintenance of offshore wind.

New Scapa Deep Water Quay and landside area; Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) production, storage and distribution hub; research and implementation of technology to diversify the Flotta Oil Terminal.

Production/storage/use of Ammonia

Production/storage/use of Hydrogen.

Transhipment hub for Ultra Large Container Ships that generate economies of scale, international competitiveness, emissions reduction and economic stimulus to Scotland and North Europe.

Call for Ideas:

Scapa Flow Strategic Asset Project (2); Marco Polo Super Port, North Europe Deep Water Off-shore Container Transhipment Hub.

Position Statement:

Scapa Flow Strategic Asset Project (Scapa Flow International Hub for Marine Activity including Scapa Deep Water Quay)

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth.

Islands Hub for Net Zero

Stromness Strategic Development Hub

Stromness as global hub for research and innovation for the management of renewable energy resource and transition to a zero-carbon economy. Helps capitalise on ReFLEX project


  • Orkney's Research Centre
  • Orkney Research and Innovation Campus phase 2 (office, student accommodation)
  • Island Centre for Net Zero Carbon (new facilities in addition to the campus phase 2 facilities)

Position Statement:


  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth.

Islands Hub for Net Zero

Hatston Pier and terminal enhancements

300m long deep water quayside extension;

8 Hectares of additional/reclaimed land for harbour related activities;

Enhanced harbour would support sectors including: aquaculture, boat repair and offshore support; beyond existing sectors: oil and gas, cargo/livestock, renewable energy, lifeline ferry links, cruise ships and fishing.

Position Statement:

Hatston Pier (Extension)

  • Potential for positive effects on people / inclusive growth.

Islands Hub for Net Zero

Orkney Renewable Energy Hub

Energy Hub based on:

  • Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters
  • Offshore wind energy
  • Offshore wave energy
  • Offshore tidal energy
  • Port/harbour infrastructure
  • Low/zero carbon energy supply, including Liquefied Natural gas and hydrogen
  • Low/zero carbon energy distribution, including Liquefied Natural Gas and hydrogen
  • Renewable energy development and innovation at the centre of the national transition to a zero-carbon economy

Call for Ideas:

Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters - Area of Coordinated Action; Orkney's prolific position in the renewable energy sector and zero carbon economy

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth.

Islands Hub for Net Zero

Hydrogen infrastructure and hubs

Production of low carbon hydrogen, initially with a focus on Aberdeenshire as an alternative to full electrification of energy and with a view to national gas networks and connection with Carbon Capture, storage and utilisation.

Includes Aberdeen Vision which is: using Steam Methanation Reforming (SMR) of natural gas to produce hydrogen to blend into the gas network; new hydrogen pipeline from St Fergus to Aberdeen; development of additional SMR plants; phased conversion of Aberdeenshire gas network to 100% hydrogen; integration with hydrogen produced offshore under the Dolphyn project.

New and refurbished pipelines for transport of captured carbon dioxide on and offshore; offshore carbon dioxide storage; pumping and compression equipment; structures for carbon capture, transport plant, storage; hydrogen production plant with carbon capture; hydrogen storage structures; hydrogen transportation structures and pipelines; new and refurbished pipelines for off and onshore hydrogen transport; port facilities at Peterhead and Grangemouth or Firth of Forth for Carbon dioxide transport; onshore or near-shore geological hydrogen storage; above ground hydrogen storage (compressed or liquefied); hydrogen refuelling infrastructure for onshore and marine vehicles.

Includes Gas Network and Industrial Cluster Study (which integrates Acorn Carbon Capture and Storage and Hydrogen, Aberdeen Vision, and Dolphyn projects). Is a further feasibility study into hydrogen (including hydrogen super grid) and carbon dioxide collection, transport and storage.

In addition to development previously listed this would add: St Fergus, Mossmorran and Grangemouth as locations for hydrogen production plant with carbon capture; on and offshore hydrogen super-grid to link to delivery points in UK and Europe.

Call for Ideas:

Gas Networks & Industrial Clusters; Gas Networks and Industrial Clusters; Aberdeen Vision.

Position Statement:

Carbon capture and storage, hydrogen from fossil fuels, other negative emissions technologies

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / inclusive growth.

Industrial Green Transition Zones

Carbon Capture and Storage Utilisation (CCUS) Network, with thermal generation

Progress current national development but link to thermal electricity generation and large scale hydrogen production and storage as well, include associated pipeline infrastructure (new and re-used) between facilities and settlements. Ensuring space is provided in industrial developments for infrastructure needed to connect to the network. St Fergus, Peterhead and Grangemouth are three significant nodes.


  • New or refurbished on and offshore pipelines for transport of captured carbon, potentially including Feeder 10 pipeline linked to Peterhead Port and Grangemouth
  • Offshore carbon dioxide storage
  • Pumping and compression equipment
  • Structures for carbon capture, storage plant and facilities including at St Fergus and Grangemouth
  • Carbon capture from methane reformation at St Fergus
  • Hydrogen production plant with carbon capture
  • Structures for bulk hydrogen storage and transport at St Fergus, Grangemouth, and conurbations
  • New or refurbished pipeline on and offshore for hydrogen transport, including to major conurbations
  • Port facilities at Peterhead, Grangemouth, Firth of Forth for transport of captured carbon
  • On or near-shore geological storage of bulk hydrogen
  • Above ground compressed or liquid hydrogen storage
  • Hydrogen refuelling infrastructure for transport
  • Options for Carbon Capture and Storage or hydrogen generation to be considered at Peterhead power station
  • Thermal power generation including carbon capture plant, including thermal plant with hydrogen firing technology, within the CCUS network should be maintained in the national development

Call for Ideas:

Carbon Capture and Storage; Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (3); Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) (5); Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage infrastructure; Carbon Capture and Storage Utilisation (CCUS) Network (2); Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) Network to support industrial decarbonisation, thermal generation, and the production and transmission of large scale low-carbon and renewable hydrogen (2); Carbon Capture and Storage network and Thermal Generation.

Position Statement:

Carbon capture and storage, hydrogen from fossil fuels, other negative emissions technologies.

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth.

Industrial Green Transition Zones

Grangemouth LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) Power Plant with associated hydrogen and carbon capture capabilities

Construction of a gas power plant (2.4 giggawatt capacity) and liquid gas distribution facility, hydrogen production plant and carbon capture initiatives within the Port of Grangemouth. Anchorage on Firth of Forth for ship handling and onward handling of product via pipeline or lightening process. This would involve a Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSGU) receiving and transferring cargo in the Forth. Pipeline connections; new/replacement road infrastructure and bridges; new/replacement utility infrastructure and grid connection; new business, industrial and storage distribution premises.

Position Statement:

Clean Hydrogen (Grangemouth)

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth.

Industrial Green Transition Zones

Grangemouth investment zone / Grangemouth flood protection

Further development of Grangemouth as a nationally significant location for industry, energy and freight; becoming a centre of excellence in low and zero carbon technologies. Regeneration of Grangemouth town. Supporting infrastructure.

Redevelopment of over 100 hectares of vacant and derelict land at INEOS for research and manufacturing including: biotechnology to enable business to move away from fossil-fuel feed stocks (fulfilling a UK capability gap); carbon capture utilisation and storage test demonstration of global significance; supply side business accommodation. Investment prospectus across 4 sites in Grangemouth to support Scottish Government Inward Investment strategy.

Grangemouth flood protection scheme for industry and homes, 1:200 year flood protection for 3,000 residential and non-residential properties plus the refinery, petrochemical plant, port and nationally important infrastructure. 25km of defences, walls, embankments, bank/channel restoration, coastal revetment (defences) and flow control measures; replacement lock gate; pedestrian, road and rail flood gates; ramps, footpaths, landscaping; environmental mitigation; compensatory habitat for legislative requirements.

Other elements:

  • Pipeline link to Feeder 10 and ACORN project for carbon dioxide storage
  • Business and technology development accelerator programme
  • Automotive test demonstration and commercialisation capability for bus building
  • Increased freight handling capacity at the port including for rail freight. Freeport status for Grangemouth. Improvements in facilities to provide net-zero handling and logistics through inter-modality infrastructure
  • Energy related development at the port
  • Develop a green network energy connection enabling green energy at competitive cost for manufacturing. Cable corridors could avoid the environmentally sensitive foreshore or provide alternative solutions
  • Further freight and passenger movement on the Forth
  • Improved trunk road and sustainable transport connections
  • Restructuring and improvement of the town centre, including repurposing public buildings
  • Restoration of Zetland Park
  • Affordable low carbon energy solutions for the local community including district heating
  • Compensatory investment in the town and environment for placemaking and carbon offsetting
  • Enhanced digital capability for competitive regulatory framework and community resilience
  • Programme to enable projects to have impact locally, regionally and nationally
  • Partnership with Forth Valley College and Scotland's Universities for skills development.

Call for ideas:

Grangemouth Investment Zone (2); Grangemouth Flood Protection Scheme

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth.

Industrial Green Transition Zones

Cruachan 2

The project aims to more than double Cruachan Power Station's generation capacity.

Cruachan 2 would provide further storage and system support services allowing for greater penetration of intermittent renewables at the least cost to the end consumer and it would help reduce reliance on fossil fuelled generation at times of low wind or solar generation.

Position Statement:

Pumped Hydro

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth.

Pumped Hydro Storage

Hunterston Port and Industrial Centre

320 acre redevelopment zone (harbour area)

Energy Transition:

Offshore wind construction facilities; Oil and gas decommissioning facilities through upgrading current assets including one of the largest dry docks in the world. Including, testing, assembly, manufacture, servicing, maintenance, research, development, training/skills academy.

Large Scale Power Generation:

Renewables, hydrogen, carbon capture and storage, energy from waste, biomass, with potential for subsidy free approaches.


Attracting new industries, such as plastics processing for other uses and the blue economy/aquaculture research and development.


Multi-modal deep water harbour. Bulk handling facilities. Freeport/customs compound, storage, processing and distribution.

Call for Ideas:

Hunterston; Hunterston Terminal; Hunterston PARC;

Position Statement:

Hunterston Terminal (2); North Sea oil and gas infrastructure decommissioning; Hunterston port and industrial centre

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth.

Hunterston Strategic Asset

Hunterston A

The opportunity for reuse of land at Hunterston for battery storage to support offshore wind energy generation has been identified at Hunterston A in the medium to long term. Other renewable energy developments have also been explored – including wind turbines, biomass and solar.

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth / place.

Hunterston Strategic Asset

Chapelcross – development opportunity / green energy park

Chapelcross site to be remediated to a green energy park: large scale economic development/employment use, supporting/catalyst for energy generation, storage and distribution, including hydrogen. South of Scotland hub for development of the low carbon/zero-carbon economy.

200mw solar farm.

Call for Ideas:

Chapelcross; Chapelcross Site Transformation; Chapelcross Green Energy Park.

Position Statement:

Chapelcross Green Energy Park (2)

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth / place.

Chapelcross Power Station Redevelopment

National Renewable Energy Generation Network (whole system approach)

This development is about the generation of energy from renewables, the transmission and storage to take the industry to maturity, supporting net zero ambitions but also represents a fairer inclusive system which can support placemaking objectives, climate change adaptation, inclusive growth, electric vehicle infrastructure and a 'smart local energy model'. Should consider on and offshore electricity generation and transmission and heat. Elements include:

  • Renewable energy generating stations including on and off-shore wind, hydro-electric, (ground mounted) solar photovoltaic (including those exceeding 20 megawatts), battery storage at all scales, other electrical energy storage including electric vehicles, wave and tidal, carbon capture, utilisation and storage; hydrogen/hydrogen cells;
  • Power from nuclear;
  • Biomass, anaerobic digestion, energy from waste, heat recovery, pumped storage, geo-thermal;
  • All renewable energy development with minimum 50 megawatt generating capacity;
  • Generating station repowering/lifetime extensions;
  • High voltage electricity transmission network infrastructure for generation on and off-shore: new/consolidated sub-stations; cabling (overhead, underground or sub-sea); grid connections; converter stations;
  • Hydrogen transmission;
  • Electricity interconnectors;
  • Local energy systems;
  • Enhancement of existing infrastructure;
  • (Strategic) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure/points;
  • Improvements to roads, ports and other transport infrastructure to support on and off-shore renewable electricity generation;
  • Non-electrical energy storage, transmission, pipelines and interconnectors;
  • New/extended ports and harbours;
  • Supply chain development.

Call for Ideas:

National Renewable energy generation network; Renewable electricity generating stations and associated infrastructure; ReFLEX Replication Framework Project; Collective Energy Infrastructure Needs; National Energy Infrastructure; Various large scale solar photovoltaic projects throughout Scotland; All onshore development ancillary to offshore wind farms; National Grid Improvements.

Position Statement:

Energy generation, transmission, distribution & consumption; All renewable energy developments of 50MW or greater capacity; Orkney's Renewable Energy Opportunities; Onshore/offshore renewable energy generation.

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth.

Strategic Renewable Electricity Generation and Transmission Infrastructure

High Voltage electricity transmission network

Continue current national development but with consideration of smart grids, Orkney, East coast, Argyll and Bute and Skye reinforcements, Western Isles Transmission Link to support security of supply and additional electricity production from renewable sources.

Transmission cabling (overhead, underground and sub-sea) and onshore High Voltage Direct Current converters, sub stations, switching stations directly linked to electricity transmission cabling of or in excess of 132 kilovolts. New and upgraded infrastructure.

All strategically planned onshore grid infrastructure (including sub stations, connections and overhead lines).

Strategic planning and delivery of onshore infrastructure needed to support offshore wind.

Call for Ideas:

High Voltage Electricity Transmission Network(2); Continued national development status for electricity transmission infrastructure.

Position Statement:

Electricity Transmission Network National Development; Onshore/offshore networks including strategically planned grid infrastructure; High voltage energy transmission network

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth.

Strategic Renewable Electricity Generation and Transmission Infrastructure

All onshore development ancillary to offshore wind farms

All onshore development required for the operation of offshore wind, such as onshore electricity substations and cabling and ancillary works, landfall requirements for cabling to Mean Low Water Springs and within the intertidal zone.

Provide strategic planning/coordination of onshore grid to support offshore wind and support the Offshore Transmission Networks Review.

Position Statement:

Onshore/offshore networks including strategically planned grid infrastructure e.g. substations and grid connections.

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / inclusive growth.

Strategic Renewable Electricity Generation and Transmission Infrastructure

Interconnectors from Highlands and Islands to Central Belt

Interconnectors to enable renewable energy generation from the highlands and islands (including Orkney and Shetland) to be exported to the central belt (and beyond).

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth.

Strategic Renewable Electricity Generation and Transmission Infrastructure

High Speed Rail to UK and Europe

High speed rail between Scottish cities, cities in England in air competitive times, and onward to Europe formed of upgrades, new track and new stations (including cross-border/local interchange station at Eurocentral business park, cross-border station near Livingston, cross-border station in East Lothian).

Retain current national development.

Call for Ideas:

High Speed Rail (4)

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / inclusive growth.

High Speed Rail

Sustainable, Distinctive Places

Clyde Mission

Mixed use place based development focusing on vacant and derelict land addressing climate change adaptation, inward investment and economic development, inclusive and sustainable growth. Encompasses umbrella approaches of River Clyde Waterfront, North Clyde Riverbank and River Clyde Corridor.

Position Statement:

North Clyde Riverbank; Clyde Mission (5); River Clyde waterfront; Glasgow airport + facilities; Clyde Mission - River Clyde Corridor; Clyde Gateway (2); River Clyde corridor brownfield regeneration including site of the former Govan Graving Docks; Shawfield National Business District Remediation.

Position Statement:

North Clyde Riverside

  • Potential for positive effects on people / inclusive growth / place.

Clyde Mission

Aberdeen Harbour – Energy transition zone

Aberdeen Harbour and Energy Transition Zone.

North Harbour partly put to mixed use development with surrounding improvements to streets and investigation of renewable energy development.

South Harbour, potential for expansion and should retain current national development status.

Area adjacent to South harbour, renewables business and industry led expansion of industrial estates and at least partial regeneration of East Tullos to create a 58 hectare integrated energy transition cluster. Land uses supporting renewable and low carbon energy development, waste to energy, carbon capture, ammonia storage and distribution, manufacturing, distribution, decommissioning, sustainable tourism linked to cruise ships. Potential freeport, masterplan consent area or special economic zone status with presumption in favour of development. The area would be supported by a new rail siding and spur, new road link, coastal park and employability programme.

Call for Ideas:

The Energy Transition Zone; Aberdeen Harbour (2); Energy Transition Zone; Scotland's Energy Transition Zone.

Position Statement:

Aberdeen Harbours and Energy Transition Zone (2).

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth.

Aberdeen Harbour

Dundee Waterfront

Continue the current Dundee Waterfront national development;

£1bn transformational project across development zones for mixed use development, residential, new central business district, creative industries, marina and culture/recreation uses, renewable energy supporting infrastructure, green space, Tay Green airport, Dundee Port including offshore wind energy engineering maintenance, manufacturing and decommissioning activity.

Call for ideas:

Dundee Waterfront (2)

  • Potential for positive effects on people / inclusive growth / place.

Dundee Waterfront

Port of Dundee Infrastructure for Decommissioning and Offshore Energy Generation

Development to support the off-shore renewable energy and decommissioning industry, including:

  • New/replacement harbour facilities (open storage area, new berth, deepened berth, suspended quayside)
  • Land reclamation
  • New/replacement roads
  • New/replacement utilities
  • New business, industrial, distribution premises

Position Statement:

Port of Dundee – infrastructure for Decommissioning and Offshore Energy Generation

  • Potential for positive effects on people / inclusive growth.

Dundee Waterfront

Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc (MSIP)

Establishment of an internationally significant innovation park focussing on sustainable mobility and low carbon energy:

  • Repurposes manufacturing spaces
  • Skills academy
  • Accelerator Labs
  • Innovation Labs
  • Incubator Units
  • Innovation Hub
  • Recreational Hub
  • Green space for private sector led buildings

Call for ideas:

Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc (MSIP) (2)

  • Potential for positive effects on people / inclusive growth / place.

Dundee Waterfront

Edinburgh's waterfront

Leith to Granton, public sector owned waterfront sites to create mixed used development of the highest quality. Deliver a single programme, to ensure the right infrastructure is in place, and to work closely with key private sector partners such as Forth Ports. Also part of Seven Strategic Sites for the region collectively contributing 45,000 homes, 9,500 jobs and £12.6bn to the economy.

Call for ideas:

Edinburgh and South East Scotland Major Area of Change Coastal regeneration in Edinburgh; Edinburgh and South East Scotland Major Area of Change City Region Deal seven strategic sites: Edinburgh's Waterfront.

  • Potential for positive effects on people / place.

Edinburgh Waterfront

Infrastructure and New Outer Berth at the Port of Leith

Development to support the manufacture, assembly, storage and distribution and shipment of off‐shore renewable structures

Position Statement: New

  • Potential for positive effects on inclusive growth.

Edinburgh Waterfront

Stranraer Gateway

Multiple projects: Stranraer Waterfront, Transport Infrastructure, Business and Industry land, Low Carbon Heating, Built Environment, North Channel Partnership Strategy and Action Plan.

Bringing together the projects outlined above within a bigger Stranraer Gateway Project is of strategic importance and key to transforming Stranraer to create a viable, sustainable and vibrant community that will bring substantial economic benefits in terms of increased tourism, employment and training opportunities.

Stranraer Waterfront:

Marina Expansion, redevelopment of East Pier derelict port.

Transport Infrastructure:

Options under consideration: Relocating the railway station to the town; rail link between Stranraer and Cairnryan; new railway station at Cairnryan for passengers and freight; Post-Brexit arrangements at Cairnryan (Customs Border); Greenport with Port of Larne; partial dualling of A77 and A75; Rail link from Stranraer to Dumfries; Vehicle fuelling from green energy at Chapelcross.

Business and Industry Land:

Regeneration for continued business use of Blackparks Industrial Estate.

Low Carbon Heating:

Gas network in Stranraer has been renewed and is capable of running a hydrogen blend or full hydrogen. Hydrogen production potentially available locally.

Built Environment:

Refurbishment of empty properties for residential use under Historic Environment Scotland Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme and Dumfries and Galloway Council's Town Centre Living Fund. Re-use options being explored for the George Hotel.

Position Statement:

Stranraer Gateway

  • Potential for positive effects on climate change / people / inclusive growth / place.

Stranraer Gateway

South West Scotland Strategic Transport Corridor

East-West corridor from Cairnryan Ferry Hub to A74(M) and West Coast Main Line, including European Route 18. Specific interventions under consideration.

Includes strategic active travel hubs.

Position Statement:

South West Scotland Transport Corridor

  • Potential for positive effects on people / inclusive growth.

Stranraer Gateway



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