
Scotland 2045: fourth National Planning Framework - draft: integrated impact assessment - environmental report

Environmental report setting out the findings of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) undertaken to inform preparation of Scotland's draft National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4).


1. Scottish Government (2020) Climate Change Plan Update. Accessed 26/10/2021

2. Scottish Government (2020) the Environment Strategy for Scotland: vision and outcomes Accessed 26/10/21

3. Scottish Government (2019) The National Plan for Scotland's Islands Accessed 26/10/21

4. Scottish Government (2021) National Outcomes Accessed 26/10/21

5. Public Health Scotland (2021) NPF4: Briefing on Health and Proposed National Developments

6. AECOM (2021) Habitats Regulations Appraisal of National Planning Framework 4 – Initial HRA Screening Record

7. Research Project: Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of NPF4 Proposed National Developments Assessment Findings (2021) (accessed 09/11/2021)

8. Scottish Government (2020) Integrated Impact Assessment (IAA): Screening / Scoping Report Accessed 12/11/2021

9. Scottish Government (2020) Integrated Impact Assessment: Update Accessed 12/11/2021

10. Scottish Government (2020) Fourth National Planning Framework: position statement Accessed 12/11/2021

11. Strategic Environmental Assessment Gateway and Database (accessed 16/11/2021)

12. Scottish Government (2021) What is the Planning Reform Programme? (accessed 16/11/2021)

13. Convention on Biological Diversity (2020) Aichi Biodiversity Targets (accessed 30/08/2021)

14. Scottish Government (2013) 2020 Challenge for Scotland's Biodiversity (accessed 30/08/2021)

15. Scottish Government (2020) Scottish Biodiversity Strategy Post-2020: Statement of Intent (accessed 31/08/2021)

16. Scottish Government (2020) The Environment Strategy for Scotland: Vision and Outcomes (accessed 04/11/2021)

17. NatureScot (2020) Scotland's Biodiversity (accessed 06/05/2020)

18. Walton P et al. (2019) The State of Nature Scotland 2019 (accessed 26/08/2021)

19. NatureScot (undated) Protected Areas (accessed 05/10/2021)

20. NatureScot (undated) Priority Marine Features in Scotland's Seas (accessed 04/02/2020)

21. Walton P et al. (2019) The State of Nature Scotland 2019 (accessed 26/08/2021)

22. NatureScot (2021) Protected Nature Sites (accessed 22/07/2021)

23. NatureScot (2017) Impacts on Habitats (accessed 26/10/2021)

24. NatureScot (2021) Impacts on Species (accessed 26/10/2021)

25. JNCC (2010) Biodiversity and Climate Change - a summary of impacts in the UK ( (accessed 10/06/2021)

26. Committee on Climate Change (2021) Independent Assessment of UK Climate Risk (accessed 26/08/2021)

27. IPBES (2019) Summary for Policymakers of the Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (accessed 11/05/20)

28. Walton P et al. (2019) The State of Nature Scotland 2019 (accessed 26/08/2021)

29. Committee on Climate Change (2017) UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 Evidence Report (accessed 26/08/2021)

30. NatureScot (2017) Considering Air Pollution Impacts in Development Management Casework (accessed 27/10/2021)

31. LUC (2021) Research project: Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of NPF4 Proposed National Developments Assessment Findings

32. United Nations (2021) Climate Change (accessed 15/10/2021)

33. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2021) The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(accessed 15/10/2021)

34. Kendon M et al. (2021) State of the UK Climate 2020 (accessed 19/10/2021)

35. SEPA (2018) National Flood Risk Assessment 2018 (accessed 19/10/2021)

36. Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 (asp 12) (accessed 15/10/2021)

37. United Nations (2021) The Paris Agreement (accessed 15/10/2021)

38. The Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 (asp 15), Scottish Parliament, 2019 (accessed 15/10/2021)

39. Scottish Government (2020) Securing a Green Recovery on a Path to Net Zero: Climate Change Plan 2018–2032 - Update(accessed 15/10/2021)

40. Scottish Government (2019) Climate Ready Scotland: Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (accessed 04/10/2021)

41. Scottish Government (2021) Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics: 1990-2019 (accessed 15/10/2021)

42. Scottish Government (2021) Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics: 1990-2019 (accessed 04/10/2021)

43. Scottish Government (2021) Reducing greenhouse gas emission – proposals and policies: report Accessed 12/10/2021)

44. Scottish Government (2021) Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics: 1990-2019 (accessed 04/10/2021)

45. Scottish Government (2021) Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics: 1990-2019 (accessed 12/10/2021)

46. Committee on Climate Change (2013) Factsheet: Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (accessed 04/02/2021)

47. Scottish Government (2021) Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics: 1990-2019 (accessed 15/10/2021)

48. Scottish Government (2020) Securing a Green Recovery on a Path to Net Zero: Climate Change Plan 2018–2032 - Update (accessed 15/10/21)

49. Scottish Government (2021) Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics: 1990-2019 (accessed 04/10/2021)

50. Committee on Climate change (2020) Reducing Emissions in Scotland Progress Report to Parliament (accessed 03/02/2021)

51. Transport Scotland (2020) Carbon Account for Transport No. 12: 2020 Edition (accessed 01/02/2021)

52. Transport Scotland (2020) Scottish Transport Statistics No 39: 2020 Edition(accessed 13/04/2021)

53. Committee on Climate change (2020) Reducing Emissions in Scotland Progress Report to Parliament (accessed 03/02/2021)

54. Scottish Government (2021) Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics: 1990-2019 (accessed 01/09/2021)

55. Zero Waste Scotland (2021) The Carbon Footprint of Scotland's Household Waste (accessed 28/10/2021)

56. SEPA (2021) Scottish Household Waste (accessed 28/10/21)

57. Zero Waste Scotland (2021) The Carbon Footprint of Scotland's Household Waste (accessed 28/10/2021)

58. Institute of Civil Engineers (2015) Embodied Energy and Carbon (accessed 03/02/2020)

59. UK Green Building Council (2017) Embodied Carbon: Developing a Client Brief (accessed 20/06/2021)

60. Zero Waste Scotland (undated) Reducing Construction Waste (accessed 20/06/2021)

61. Scottish Government (2021) Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics: 1990-2019 (accessed 01/09/2021)

62. Scottish Government (2019) Energy Efficient Scotland: The Future of Low Carbon Heat for off Gas Buildings – Call for Evidence (accessed 05/02/2021)

63. Scottish government (2020) Scottish House Condition Survey: 2019 Key Findings (accessed 05/02/2021)

64. Adaptation Scotland (2021) Climate Trends and Projections (accessed 29/10/2021)

65. European Commission (undated) Adaptation to Climate Change (accessed 05/02/2021)

66. United Nations Climate Change (undated) What do Adaptation to Climate Change and Climate Resilience Mean? (accessed 05/02/2021)

67. Scottish Natural Heritage (2014) SNH Commissioned Report 761 – Assessment of carbon budgets and Potential Blue Carbon Stores in Scotland's Coastal and Marine Environment (accessed 01/02/2021)

68. NatureScot (2019) Farming and Climate Change (accessed 20/08/2021)

69. Scottish Government (2021) Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 (Accessed 26/10/2021)

70. Institute of Air Quality Management (2019) A Guide to the Assessment of Air Quality Impacts on Designated Nature Conservation Sites (Accessed 26/10/2021)

71. Directive (EU) 2016/2284 (accessed 02/11/2021)

72. Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (1979) (accessed 02/11/2021)

73. 1999 Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone and its 2012 Amended Version (accessed 02/11/2021)

74. The National Emission Ceilings Regulations 2018 (accessed 02/11/2021)

75. DEFRA (2019) Air Quality: National Air Pollution Control Programme (accessed 03/11/2021)

76. The Air Quality (Scotland) Regulations 2000 (accessed 02/11/2021)

77. Air Quality in Scotland (2021) Air Quality Management Areas (accessed 08/10/2021)

78. National Atmospheric Emission Inventory (2021) Air Quality Pollutant Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 2005-2019 (accessed 27/10/21)

79. National Atmospheric Emission Inventory (2021) Air Quality Pollutant Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 2005-2019 (accessed 27/10/21)

80. National Atmospheric Emission Inventory (2021) Air Quality Pollutant Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 2005-2019 (accessed 27/10/21)

81. National Atmospheric Emission Inventory (2021) Air Quality Pollutant Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 2005-2019 (accessed 27/10/21)

82. Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 (accessed 29/10/2021)

83. SEPA (2021) River Basin Management Planning(accessed 29/10/2021)

84. The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (accessed 29/10/2021)

85. Scotland's Environment (2019) Scotland's Freshwater (accessed 17/08/2021)

86. Scotland's Environment (2016) Scotland's Seas (accessed 17/08/2021)

87. Shafiee R. (2021) Blue Carbon (accessed 17/08/2021)

88. NatureScot (2020) Freshwater Lochs (accessed 28/10/2021)

89. Natural Scotland (2019) Scotland's Water Environment 2019: A Summary and Progress Report (accessed 29/10/2021)

90. SEPA (2021) River Basin Management Planning(accessed 28/10/2021)

91. Natural Scotland (2019) Scotland's Water Environment 2019: A Summary and Progress Report (accessed 29/10/2021)

92. SEPA (undated) Water Classification Hub (accessed 28/10/2021)

93. SEPA (2015) The River Basin Management Plan for the Scotland River Basin District: 2015–2027 (accessed 14/01/2020)

94. SEPA (undated) Groundwater (accessed 29/10/2021)

95. SEPA (2019) Guidance on Consideration of Water in SEA (accessed 27/08/2021)

96. SEPA (undated) Flood Risk Management Strategies (accessed 16/06/2021)

97. SEPA (undated) Flood Maps (accessed 14/01/2020)

98. SEPA (undated) Water Scarcity (accessed 16/06/2021)

99. ClimateXchange (2019) The Increased Risk of Water Scarcity in Scotland Due to Climate Change and the Influence of Land Use on Water Scarcity (accessed 16/06/2021)

100. Centre Of Expertise For Waters (2020) Private water supplies and the potential implications of climate change (accessed 08/11/2021)

101. SEPA (2015) The River Basin Management Plan for the Scotland River Basin District: 2015–2027 (accessed 14/01/2020)

102. Infrastructure Commission for Scotland (2020) Key Findings Report (accessed 20/01/2020)

103. Scottish Government (2009) The Scottish Soil Framework(accessed 27/08/2021)

104. NatureScot (2015) Scotland's National Peatland Plan (accessed 17/06/21)

105. Natural Scotland, Scottish Government (2011) The State of Scotland's Soil (accessed 27/08/2021)

106. Scottish Government (2009) The Scottish Soil Framework(accessed 17/06/21)

107. Scotland's Soils (2019) Why Restore Peatland (accessed 27/08/2021)

108. NatureScot (2014) Commissioned Report No. 701 - Scotland's Peatland – Definitions & Information Resources(accessed 27/08/2021)

109. IUCN (2018) UK Peatland Strategy 2018-2040 (accessed 31/08/2021)

110. Scottish Government (2009) The Scottish Soil Framework(accessed 17/06/21)

111. NatureScot (2021) Restoring Scotland's Peatlands (accessed 21/10/2021)

112. Office for National Statistics (2019) UK Natural Capital: Peatlands (accessed 21/10/2021)

113. NatureScot (2015) Scotland's National Peatland Plan (accessed 17/06/21)

114. Scotland's Environment (2011) Soils (accessed 17/06/2021)

115. European Commission (2016) JRC Technical Reports - Soil Threats in Europe - Status, Methods, Drivers and Effects on Ecosystem Services (accessed 17/06/2021)

116. SEPA (2011) The State of Scotland's Soil (accessed 17/06/2021)

117. SEPA (2019) Guidance on Consideration of Soil in Strategic Environmental Assessment (accessed 17/06/2021)

118. Scottish Government (2020) Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Survey 2019 (accessed 17/06/2021)

119. Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (accessed 27/09/2021)

120. Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 (accessed 27/09/2021)

121. Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 (as amended) (accessed 27/09/2021)

122. Scottish Government (2014) Scottish Planning Policy (accessed 27/09/2021)

123. Historic Environment Scotland (2019) Historic Environment Policy for Scotland (accessed 27/09/2021)

124. Historic Environment Scotland (2020) Scotland's Historic Environment Audit 2016 (accessed 19/10/2021)

125. Historic Environment Scotland (2020) Scotland’s Historic Environment Audit 2018 (accessed 19/10/2021)

126. Historic Environment Scotland (2018) Climate Change Risk Assessment (accessed 27/08/2021)

127. Historic Environment Scotland (2017) Short Guide: Climate Change Adaptation for Traditional Buildings (accessed 17/06/21)

128. Historic Environment Scotland (2017) Scotland's Traditional Building Materials (accessed 17/06/21)

129. Council of Europe (undated) Council of Europe Landscape Convention (accessed 21/10/2021)

130. NatureScot (2020) National Scenic Areas (accessed 21/10/2021)

131. NatureScot (2017) Landscape Policy and Guidance (accessed 21/10/2021)

132. NatureScot (undated) Protecting Our Geodiversity (accessed 21/10/2021)

133. UNESCO (undated) UNESCO Global Geoparks (accessed 21/10/2021)

134. Scotland's Environment Web (2014) Landscape (accessed 27/08/2021)

135. James Hutton Institute (2018) Regional Landscapes of Scotland (accessed 21/10/2021)

136. NatureScot (undated) Landforms (accessed 21/10/2021)

137. James Hutton Institute (2018) Regional Landscapes of Scotland (accessed 21/10/2021)

138. Historic Environment Scotland (2020) Scotland's Historic Environment Audit 2018 (accessed 19/10/2021)

139. NatureScot (2017) Landscape Policy and Guidance (accessed 21/10/2021)

140. Scotland's Environment (2019) Rocks and Landforms (accessed 21/10/2021)

141. NatureScot (2021) Landscape Character (accessed 22/10/2021)

142. NatureScot (undated) Importance of Geodiversity (accessed 21/10/2021)

143. NatureScot (undated) Importance of Geodiversity (accessed 21/10/2021)

144. NatureScot (undated) Protecting Our Geodiversity (accessed 21/10/2021)

145. NatureScot [undated] Geodiversity in Protected Areas: International Designations (accessed 18/06/21)

146. NatureScot (2017) Landscape Policy and Guidance (accessed 21/10/2021)

147. NatureScot (2014) Mapping Scotland's Wildness and Wild Land (accessed 27/08/2021)

148. Scotland's Environment (2014) Landscape (accessed 22/10/2021)

149. Scotland's Environment (2014) Landscape (accessed 22/10/2021)

150. NatureScot (undated) Landscape: Climate Change (accessed 27/08/2021)

151. Scottish Government (2019) Climate Ready Scotland: Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-2024 (accessed 04/10/2021)

152. Rennie A.F et al. (2021) Dynamic Coast Research Summary (accessed 27/10/2021)

153. NatureScot (2019) Climate Change Impacts in Scotland (accessed 22/10/2021)

154. NatureScot (2017) Landscape Considerations in Strategic Environmental Assessment (accessed 27/08/2021)

155. SEPA (2019) Guidance on Consideration of Material Assets in Strategic Environmental Assessment (accessed 03/09/2021)

156. Scottish Government (2015) Infrastructure Investment Plan (accessed 30/08/2021)

157. Scottish Government (2018) Climate Change Plan: the Third Report on Proposals and Policies 2018-2032 (RPP3) (accessed 30/08/2021)

158. Scottish Government (2020) Securing a Green Recovery on a Path to Net Zero: Climate Change Plan 2018–2032 – Update (accessed 30/08/2021)

159. Scottish Government (2016) Making Thinks Last: A Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland (accessed 29/10/2021)

160. Scottish Government (2017) The Future of Energy in Scotland: Scottish Energy Strategy(accessed 01/10/2021)

161. Scottish Government (2020) Hydrogen Policy Statement (accessed 01/10/2021)

162. Scottish Government (2021) Local Energy Policy Statement (accessed 01/10/2021)

163. Scottish Government (2020) Offshore Wind Policy Statement (accessed 01/10/21)

164. Scottish Government (2020) Update to the Climate Change Plan (accessed 01/10/21)

165. Scottish Government (2021) Onshore Wind Policy Statement (accessed 03/11/2021)

166. Scottish Government (2021) Energy Statistics for Scotland Q2 2021 Figures (accessed 01/10/21)

167. Scottish Government (2021) Scottish Energy Statistics Hub (accessed 01/10/21)

168. Scottish Government (2021) Energy Statistics for Scotland Q2 2021 Figures (accessed 01/10/21)

169. DECC (2015) Towards a Smart Energy System (accessed 01/02/2021)

170. ClimateXChange (2016) Energy Storage in Scotland - Summary of Reports on Thermal and Electrical Energy Storage (accessed 01/02/2021)

171. Scottish Government (2016) Making Things Last A Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland (accessed 18/06/2021)

172. Transport Scotland (2021) ) Scottish Transport Statistics No 39: 2020 Edition (accessed 16/09/2021)

173. Scottish Government (2011) Green Infrastructure: Design and Placemaking (accessed 03/11/2021)

174. Green Growth Knowledge Platform (undated) Blue and Green Cities (accessed 20/01/2020)

175. GovUK (2021) Valuing the Benefits of Blue-Green Infrastructure (accessed 18/06/2021)

176. Green4Grey (2020) Integrated Planning for Multifunctional Land Use (accessed 18/06/2021)

177. Greenspace Scotland (2008) Health Impact Assessment of Greenspace - A Guide (accessed 03/11/2021)

178. Scottish Government (undated) Managing Waste (accessed 08/09/2021)

179. SEPA (2020) Waste From All Sources – Summary Data 2018 (accessed 11/10/2021)

180. SEPA (2020): Waste Landfilled in Scotland – 2019 (accessed 08/09/2021)

181. Scottish Government (2021) Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics: 1990-2019 (accessed 04/10/2021)

182. Scottish Government (2020) Climate Change Plan Update Chapter 5: Waste and the Circular Economy (accessed 13/04/2021)

183. SEPA (2020) Waste Site Information (accessed 12/11/2021)

184. Scottish Government (2021) Housing to 2040 (accessed 18/10/21)

185. Scottish Government (2021) A Fairer, Green Scotland: programme for Government 2021-22 (accessed 18/10/21)

186. Scottish Government (2021) A Changing Nation: How Scotland Will Thrive in a Digital World. (accessed 18/10/21)

187. Scottish Government (2020) Scottish Household Survey 2019: Annual Report (accessed 18/10/2021)

188. Scottish Government (2021) Realising Scotland's Full Potential in a Digital World - A Digital Strategy for Scotland: Progress Report 2017-2021 (accessed 18/10/21)

189. Scottish Government (2018) 5G: Strategy for Scotland (accessed 30/08/2021)

190. Zero Waste Scotland (2015) The Carbon Impacts of the Circular Economy (accessed 30/08/2021)

191. Infrastructure Commission for Scotland (2020) Key Findings Report (accessed 20/01/2020)

192. Zero Waste Scotland (undated) Reducing Construction Waste (accessed 03/02/2020)

193. Scottish Government (2020) Securing a Green Recovery on a Path to Net Zero: Climate Change Plan 2018-2032 Update (accessed 30/08/2021)

194. DECC (2015) Towards a Smart Energy System (accessed 14/01/2020)

195. Open data for development (undated) State of Open Data - Data Infrastructure (accessed 16/01/2020)

196. Scottish Government (2020) Securing a Green Recovery on a Path to Net Zero: Climate Change Plan 2018-2032 Update (accessed 30/08/2021)

197. Greenspace Scotland (2020) Negative Impact of Vacant Land on Communities (accessed 06/02/2020)

198. Scottish Land Commission (2019) The Impact of Vacant and Derelict Land (accessed 06/02/2020)

199. Green Growth Knowledge Platform (undated) Blue and Green Cities (accessed 20/01/2020)

200. Committee on Climate Change (2017) UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 Evidence Report – Summary for Scotland (accessed 04/02/2020)

201. Infrastructure Commission for Scotland (2020) Key Findings Report (accessed 20/01/2020)

202. Adaptation Scotland (undated) 15 Key Consequences of Climate Change for Scotland (accessed 14/01/2020)

203. National Records for Scotland (2021) Mid 2020 Population Estimates Scotland (accessed 07/10/2021)

204. National Records for Scotland (2019) Projected Population of Scotland 2018 Based (accessed 07/10/2021)

205. National Records for Scotland (2021) Mid-2020 Small Area Population Estimates for 2011 Data Zones (accessed 07/10/2021)

206. National Records for Scotland (2021) Mid 2020 Population Estimates Scotland (accessed 07/10/2021)

207. National Records for Scotland (2019) Projected Population of Scotland 2018 Based (accessed 07/10/2021)

208. National Records for Scotland (2021) Mid-2020 Small Area Population Estimates for 2011 Data Zones (accessed 07/10/2021)

209. Scottish Government (2020) Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020(accessed 07/10/2021)

210. Scottish Government (2021) Scottish Health Survey – Telephone Survey – August/September 2020: Main Report (accessed 26/08/2021)

211. National Records of Scotland (2021) Life Expectancy in Scotland, 2018-2020 (accessed 08/10/2021)

212. SEPA (2019) Guidance on Consideration of Human Health in Strategic Environmental Assessment (accessed 14/10/2021)

213. Scottish Government (2016) 2015 Review of Public Health in Scotland: Strengthening the Function and Re-Focusing Action for a Healthier Scotland (accessed 14/10/2021)

214. World Health Organisation (undated) Social Inequalities in Environment and Health (accessed 26/08/2021)

215. Paavola, J. (2017) Health Impacts of Climate Change and Health and Social Inequalities in the UK (accessed 26/08/2021)

216. Kovats S (2015) Health Climate Change Impacts Report Card 2015 (accessed 26/08/2021)

217. National Records for Scotland (2021) Mid 2020 Population Estimates Scotland (accessed 29/07/2021)

218. Infrastructure Commission for Scotland (2020) Key Findings Report (accessed 20/01/2020)

219. National Records of Scotland (2021) Scotland's Population 2020 the Registrar General's Annual Review of Demographic Trends(accessed 07/10/2021)

220. The James Hutton Institute (2018) Demographic Change in the Sparsely Populated Areas of Scotland (1991-2046) (accessed 26/08/2021)

221. Scottish Government (2019) Housing Statistics Scotland 2019 Key Trends Summary (accessed 26/08/2021)

222. Scottish Government (2020) Home Energy and Fuel Poverty(accessed 26/08/2021)

223. Scottish Government (2020) Scottish House Condition Survey: 2018 Key Findings (accessed 25/10/2021)

224. Scottish Government (2020) Summary Knowledge Account – Quality Greenspace (accessed 04/11/2021)

225. Scottish Government (2019) National Indicator Performance (accessed 26/08/2021)

226. Greenspace Scotland (2018) The Third State of Scotland's Greenspace Report (accessed 19/10/2020)

227. Greenspace Scotland (undated) Negative impacts of vacant Land on Communities (accessed 08/09/2020)

228. Scottish Government (2020) Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Survey 2019 (accessed 11/06/2021)

229. Scottish Land Commission (2019) the Impact of Vacant and Derelict Land (accessed 11/06/2021)

230. Scottish Government (2021) Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 - Towards a Better Place for Everyone(accessed 08/10/2021)

231. Scotland's Environment Web (undated) Air Quality and Health (accessed 26/08/2021)

232. Committee on Climate Change (2017) UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 Evidence Report (accessed 26/08/2021)

233. SEPA (2018) Flood Risk Management in Scotland 2018 Publication of NFRA and PVAs FAQ's (accessed 26/08/2021)

234. Scottish Government (2020) Securing a Green Recovery on a Path to Net Zero: Climate Change Plan 2018–2032 - Update (accessed 26/08/2021)



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