
Scotland 2045: fourth National Planning Framework - draft: integrated impact assessment - non-technical summary

Non-technical summary outlining the integrated impact assessment carried out for Scotland’s draft fourth National Planning Framework.

7. Will the draft NPF4 support health, wellbeing, and quality of life in our current and future population?

7.1 Improving the health and wellbeing of the people of Scotland is one of the six high level outcomes for NPF4. Relevant provisions in the draft NPF4 include support for 20 Minute Neighbourhoods, high quality greenspace, active travel and in managing access to food, food production, and community growing.

7.2 The focus provided in the draft NPF4 to addressing the climate emergency and nature crisis should also lead to health and wellbeing improvements, both physical and mental, and to more resilient communities that are better able to adapt to the impacts of climate change. For example, a focus on blue and green infrastructure can bring nature into our towns and cities and can play a key role in helping people and places adapt to the risks of climate change, for example providing natural flood defences and cooling.

7.3 Outdoor spaces for play, sport and recreation can make a significant contribution towards creating more liveable and healthier places, and are important for physical and mental health and overall wellbeing. For example, children experience a range of health, wellbeing and educational benefits from outdoor play. Embedding an infrastructure first approach in Scotland's planning system will also support the provision of infrastructure which better meets the diverse needs of the population or an area, for example through improved availability and access to health and social care facilities. Prioritising the re-use of vacant and derelict land and properties, can also support improved community resilience, habitat enhancement and can help reduce pressure on natural resources. Wider benefits could also arise through improved levels of social interaction and sense of place.

7.4 The draft NPF4 includes draft policy of not supporting development where significant adverse health effects are likely. It also proposes a health impact assessment is required for developments that are likely to have significant health effects or significant environmental effects. Development proposals with a significant adverse effect on air quality would also not be supported through proposed draft policy.

7.5 Finally, the draft NPF4 includes policy proposals aimed at supporting improved access to healthy food, especially in deprived areas.



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