
Scotland 2045: fourth National Planning Framework - draft: integrated impact assessment - non-technical summary

Non-technical summary outlining the integrated impact assessment carried out for Scotland’s draft fourth National Planning Framework.

8. Will the draft NPF4 help to improve equality and eliminate discrimination across Scotland?

8.1 Improving equality and eliminating discrimination across Scotland is one of the six high level outcomes of NPF4.

8.2 Planning is concerned with the creation of better places and the purpose of planning is to manage the development and use of land in the long term public interest. The Scottish Government recognises that the impacts of the policies in draft NPF4 have the potential to fall differentially on different groups in society. The evidence would suggest that people with disabilities, older people, children and young people, women and Black and Minority Ethnic groups for example, experience a variety of challenges in both engaging with the planning system, and having the system meet their needs.

8.3 Both the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) and the Child Rights and Wellbeing Assessment consider six key areas: participation, housing and accommodation, spaces and places, connectivity and health and wellbeing. The EQIA also considers issues around people's human rights.

8.4 Planning should respect, protect and fulfil human rights, seek to eliminate discrimination and promote equality. The focus proposed in the draft NPF4 on engagement is for parties to have a responsibility to consult and engage others collaboratively, meaningfully and proportionately.

8.5 The draft spatial strategy recognises that our future places, homes and neighbourhoods will be better, healthier and more vibrant places to live. Direct benefits could help us to be healthy and active, creative and diverse, so that people grow up loved, safe and respected, and realise their full potential. Draft NPF4 also recognises the important role that planning can play in tackling some of the drivers of child poverty.



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