
Scotland 2045: fourth National Planning Framework - draft: integrated impact assessment - non-technical summary

Non-technical summary outlining the integrated impact assessment carried out for Scotland’s draft fourth National Planning Framework.

9. What is the likely impact of the draft NPF4 on our Island Communities?

9.1 Draft NPF4 includes draft policies on key issues supporting island communities such as: engagement, local living, housing, spaces and places, rural and coastal policies, health and wellbeing, and connectivity.

9.2 Scotland's north and west coast and islands have been identified as being at the forefront of our efforts to reach the Scottish Government's target of net zero emissions by 2045. Draft NPF4 provides for a specific spatial strategy which recognises the diversity of this area, from Shetland and Orkney in the north, to the Outer and Inner Hebrides and the coastal areas of Argyll and Bute and Highland.

9.3 From the evidence set out so far, the main potential issues for island communities appear to be a lack of:

  • support for young people to remain, move or return to the islands;
  • employment, training and higher education opportunities;
  • access and affordability to transport;
  • a variety of housing types, sizes and tenures to meet people's needs and a lack of affordable housing;
  • speed and reliability of internet/ phone connections;
  • influence over decisions made by local and national government; and
  • adequate infrastructure for the number of tourists attracted to the islands.

9.4 The draft NPF4 seeks to tackle these issues through the spatial strategy, certain proposed national developments, and through thematic policies.



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