
Scotland: a trading nation

A plan for growing Scotland's exports.

5.0 Introduction

Scotland is an open, connected and outward-looking country with a long and proud history of intellectual, cultural and economic exchange. Scots have settled across the globe and Scotland has welcomed and benefited from inward migration.

Harnessing the immense goodwill, knowledge and experience of those with a connection to or affinity with Scotland and translating that into action that supports Scottish based businesses to achieve their export ambitions is a critical part of this plan.

Other countries have achieved much more effective utilisation of these resources. We want to learn from their success and to make some significant changes in how we utilise those assets to best effect to support exporting businesses in-market.

This section will focus on energising our public and private sector resources as well as mobilising our wider business and diaspora networks to support our exporters overseas. This diagram illustrates those involved in our One Scotland approach in-market.

One Scotland Approach Diagram

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