
Scotland: a trading nation

A plan for growing Scotland's exports.

6.2 Wider business support

In addition to the specific export focused support delivered by SDI and other partners, there are wider business support policies in place to help businesses grow and develop. Further information can be found on the Economic Action Plan website.

A key part of improving our exports is to improve the range and quality of products that Scottish businesses produce. This is supported through our investment in increasing innovation, improved business practices and linking closely with our higher education institutions and colleges. Future iterations of this plan will take into account changes in the strengths that Scottish businesses have and the changes in global demand for products to ensure that we can maximise the export performance of Scottish businesses.

The analysis in this document is designed to identify those sectors that provide the best opportunity to increase exports. This approach works in tandem with the growth sectors identified in the economic strategy that have a wider economic importance. The sectors identified as important for exporting in this plan include some or all of the Economic Strategy’s growth sectors.

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