
Scotland: a trading nation

A plan for growing Scotland's exports.

6.5 Scotland is Now

Scotland is Now is the new, collective approach for the Scottish Government and partner agencies to market Scotland to the world as the best place in which to live, work, study, visit and do business and increase economic revenue from outside Scotland. This is part of Brand Scotland. 

Scotland is Now is being delivered in partnership with the Scottish Government, VisitScotland and Scottish Enterprise/Scottish Development International, with support from Universities Scotland. The core strategy is to present Scotland’s strengths in the context of current performance and create a clear, consistent narrative that is shared with stakeholders, media and partners across all the pillars at home and abroad.

The Scotland is Now campaign will be adapted to not only promote Scotland as a destination to live and study in but also a place to do business with. We will build a business theme, or pillar, to the current Scotland Is Now campaign to increase awareness in key markets of Scotland as a place for business, focusing on our values, talent, research, innovation, creativity and high quality exports. By opening doors for Scottish businesses overseas, its aim is to ultimately increase buying of goods and services from Scotland. 

It has a longer term aim to inspire and engage with businesses across Scotland, encouraging them to seize global export opportunities and access the support available to them at every stage of their exporting journey.

The business pillar will support trade and investment activity, reflecting the objectives of the this plan and supporting its delivery by Scotland’s enterprise and business support agencies, thereby enabling Scottish businesses to achieve:

1. Stronger market reach and recognition for their services and products

2. Access to a greater level of in-country market support

3. The benefits of a wider pool and reach of campaign activities, including events that promote Scotland and Scottish products and services in-market.

We will:

  • Develop an effective business pillar to the Scotland is Now campaign which will both encourage and support businesses to export. 
  • Develop a set of measures to allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of the Scotland Is Now business campaign in supporting businesses to internationalise. 
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