Can Scotland be Brave – Incorporating UNCRC Article 12 in practice

This project investigated how well practitioners, understood and implemented the full obligations of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (‘UNCRC’).

Appendix 3 - Post-training survey

1. What age range do you predominately work with?

Early years/ Primary/ Secondary/ All

2. When thinking about your Talking Mats conversation, how would you rate the following when seeking their views:

Very confident Confident Quite confident Not confident
Engagement or connection between you and the person
The person's understanding of the issue/s being discussed
Ease of expressing his/her views
His/her overall involvement in the decision

3. How confident were you that the final decision or subsequent action reflected the person's view?

Very confident/ Confident/ Quite confident /Not confident

4. How valuable do you think Talking mats will be in your future work?

Extremely valuable/ Very valuable/ Somewhat valuable/ Not so valuable/ Not at all valuable

5. The Laura Lundy model encourages us to think about Children's Rights in the context of SPACE, VOICE, AUDIENCE and INFLUENCE. Do you feel you can create a safe space in which children can express themselves freely?


Please Comment:

6. Do children know that they do not have to express a view if they would rather not do so?

Yes/ No

Please comment

7. Outwith Child Protection procedures, do children and young people know who their views are being communicated to? 


Please Comment:

8. How confident are you that CYP views are considered by those with the power to effect change?

Very confident Confident Quite confident Not confident
In school and by school staff
Out of school by external agencies
Out of school by parents

9. How likely are you to prioritise accessible feedback to the child explaining the reasons for decisions taken?

Definitely would / Probably would/ Probably would not/ Definitely would not

10. Please comment on how useful the Laura Lundy model is in helping you to understand the full obligations of Article 12.



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