
Scotland the Hydro Nation: annual report 2016

Records the development of our Hydro Nation policy agenda and reports on progress since the publication of the second annual report in 2015.


Our Water Economy Vision

I am very pleased to introduce this third annual report to the Scottish Parliament on progress in delivering against our innovative Hydro Nation agenda.

We can look back with a sense of achievement at the last year for Hydro Nation. Since the last report, the new Hydro Nation Water Innovation Service, a key plank in our domestic strategy to support the industry, has been steadily establishing its central role in Scotland's water ecosystem. Scottish Water continues to achieve the highest standards of service delivery and together with other key partners, including the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, is playing a key role in efforts to protect and enhance Scotland's remarkable water environment which is so important to our national health and wellbeing. Underpinning this, we are growing our research and knowledge base still further, making an ever greater contribution to Scotland's and our global partners understanding of key water issues.

Further afield, we continue to develop our historic relationship with Malawi, working with our partners in the academic and third sectors, and the Government of Malawi, developing our plans to bring great improvements in access to clean and safe drinking water for many people there. In addition, we are working with our enterprise and development agency colleagues to promote opportunities for our water sector in key markets, and to help our businesses align with developing international water science-based initiatives.

As ever, the Hydro Nation Forum has provided helpful support and oversight of the Hydro Nation agenda, providing guidance and advice on priorities. Their contribution to the development of our water sector is greatly appreciated, and I thank them for their input.

This third report is the last required under statute and so it is right that we take the opportunity to reflect on the Hydro Nation journey to date. I believe these reports offers a very useful outline of activity being carried out by The Scottish Government and our partners under the Hydro Nation agenda. It is therefore my intention that we continue to report in a similar way in future to ensure greater awareness and engagement with Scotland: The Hydro Nation.

Roseanna Cunningham
MSP, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform


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