
Hydro Nation: annual report 2020

Records the development of Scotland's Hydro Nation policy agenda and reports on progress since the publication of the sixth annual report in 2019.

Annex B: Hydro Nation Forum Members

1. Roseanna Cunningham MSP (Chair), Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform.

2. Professor Bob Ferrier, Director of Research Impact, James Hutton Institute.

3. Chrysoula Pantsi, Edinburgh Napier University School of Engineering and Built Environment.

4. Dr Alan MacDonald, Principal Hydrogeologist at the British Geological Survey.

5. Terry A’Hearn, Chief Executive of SEPA.

6. Professor Robert Kalin, Professor of Environmental Engineering for Sustainability at Strathclyde University.

7. Richard Millar, Chief Operating Officer, Scottish Canals.

8. Peter Robinson, Head of Engineering, Scottish Canals

9. Alan Sutherland, Chief Executive, Water Industry Commission Scotland.

10. Neil Gordon, Regional Manager (Edinburgh) & Principal Consultant, EnviroCentre.

11. May East, UNITAR Fellow.

12. Galen Fulford, Managing Partner of Biomatrix Water Technology.

13. Dr Michael Gormley, School of Built Environment, Heriot Watt University.

14. Professor Simon Parsons, Director of Strategic Customer Service Planning, Scottish Water.

15. Gail Walker, Water Policy Team Manager within the Consumer Futures Unit at Citizens Advice Scotland.

16. Andrew Allan, Interim Director, UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science, University of Dundee.

17. Nick Lyth, Director, Green Angel Syndicate.

18. Jan Reid, Senior Manager, Low Carbon Technologies at Scottish Enterprise.

19. Steven Hutcheon, Head of Technology and Advanced Engineering at Highlands and Islands Enterprise.

20. Jim Panton, CEO Panton McLeod Ltd., and Chair Of institute of Water (Scotland).

21. Hanna Peach, Hydro Nation Scholar.

22. Adrian Sym, Chief Executive Officer, Alliance for Water Stewardship.

23. Robert Orr, Strategic Relations Manager, Skills Development Scotland.

24. Sue Petch, Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland.



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