
Hydro Nation: annual report 2020

Records the development of Scotland's Hydro Nation policy agenda and reports on progress since the publication of the sixth annual report in 2019.

Looking Ahead – 2021 and Beyond

Scottish Water’s Strategic Plan

Scottish Water’s 25-year strategic plan – Our Future Together – was published in February 2020 and outlines the impact of the changing climate and how the organisation will reduce emissions to become net zero by 2040.

The plan highlights how future investment in vital infrastructure and assets, which were not designed to cope with our changing climate, must combine with innovative and sustainable ways of dealing with climate change and supporting economic growth.

Customers contributed their views through country-wide engagement, recognising the importance of Scottish Water and communities working together to manage one of our most valuable natural resources.

SURICATES Research Project

Scottish Canals continue to engage as a partner in the EU funded SURICATES (Sediment Uses as Resources In Circular And Territorial EconomieS) project. Three project pilot sites are now being developed, with work progressing at Bowling on the Forth and Clyde Canal, works planned for the winter on the Crinan Canal and Caledonian Canals to develop solutions that provide Net-Zero Carbon options for managing sediment and providing flood management across a range of sectors. The knowledge gained from the project will allow for innovative, sustainable solutions to be developed to create alternative re-use options for sediment which can be replicated at other locations.

Malawi-Scotland Regulatory Partnership

Looking ahead, the MSRP will continue to develop and deliver an effective programme of support for the NWRA and MEPA, fostering good relationships across the environmental and water management landscape. Through the combined strength of partnerships and expertise of Scotland and the Hydro Nation, the project is on track to empower effective environmental regulation and protection for the people of Malawi.

Hydro Nation Water Innovation Service

Over the next year, HNWIS will continue to actively engage across the sector, providing Scottish companies access to opportunities to collaborate and network with the wider ecosystem through collaboration with innovation centres, R&D institutions and industry organisations.

As several SMEs have now benefitted from HNWIS Product Readiness Assessment support, over the next year the service will progress a number of these companies through Product Trial support as they continue along their journey from concept to commercialisation. At all stages, the service will continue to direct companies to the most relevant support to develop their products and services, whether that be through networking, signposting or technical support.



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