
Scotland National Strategy for Economic Transformation: Regional Economic Partnerships - evidence

This Paper provides summary evidence received from Scotland's Regional Economic Partnerships as part of the National Strategy for Economic Transformation engagement process.

Summary of Regional Economic Partnership Plans

Regional Economic Partnerships (REPs) are collaborations between local government, the private sector, education and skills providers, our enterprise and skills agencies and the third sector to deliver economic prosperity across Scotland's regions.

As part of engagement to inform the National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET), Ministers and officials met with REPs chairs, who provided evidence on economic opportunities and challenges within their areas.

This paper provides summary evidence received from REPs as part of this NSET process. For each REP evidence was provided on the following:

  • recent economic trends in each region;
  • aspirations to 2030;
  • regional opportunities for growth or transformation;
  • challenges that are holding back progress; and,
  • ongoing or planned actions in response to the challenges and opportunities, and that NSET should aim to support.

Summary evidence is available for the following REPs:

  • North East Regional Economic Strategy;
  • Ayrshire Regional Economic Partnership;
  • Edinburgh & South East Scotland Regional Economic Partnership;
  • Forth Valley Regional Economic Partnership;
  • Glasgow Regional Economic Partnership;
  • Highlands and Islands Region;
  • South of Scotland Regional Economic Partnership; and,
  • Tay Cities Regional Deal.



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