
Scotland Performs Update

Scottish Government performance information

Justice Committee


The following National Performance Framework indicators have been selected as relevant to the Justice Committee for the purposes of the Draft Budget Consultation Period.

The report overleaf shows recent performance on these indicators as at 14 December 2017.

The hyperlinks take you to the Scotland Performs website for the latest information on each indicator.

Performance Improving

Improve children’s services

Reduce crime victimisation rates

Performance Maintaining

Increase the proportion of young people in learning, training or work

Reduce the number of individuals with problem drug use

Reduce reconviction rates

Improve the responsiveness of public services

Reduce children’s deprivation

Improve people’s perceptions of their neighbourhood

Performance Worsening

Improve people’s perceptions about the crime rate in their area

Reduce deaths on Scotland’s roads

Reduce the proportion of individuals living in poverty

Performance Improving

Percentage of local authorities receiving positive inspections for children’s services

More local authorities received positive evaluations in child protection inspections in the latest period (2009-2012) than in the previous period (2006-2009).

Percentage of people who have been a victim of crime

The percentage of people who have been a victim of crime remains on a downward trend.

Performance Maintaining

Percentage of 16-19 year olds participating in education, training or employment

The percentage of 16-19 year olds participating in education, training or employment increased between 2015/16 and 2016/17.

Estimated number of individuals with problem drug use

The estimated number of individuals with problem drug use increased between 2006 and 2012 although recent increases are small and not statistically significant.

Average number of reconvictions per offender, after release or non-custodial sentence

Average reconvictions per offender remained broadly stable between 2013- 14 and 2014-15. However, this continues to follow a long term downward trend.

Percentage of people who agree they can influence decisions affecting their local area (public service responsiveness)

The percentage of people who agree that they can influence decisions affecting their local area has increased since 2007.

Percentage of children in deprivation

The percentage of children living in material deprivation remained stable between 2014/15 and 2015/16. In 2010/11, there was a change to the questions asked in the survey.

Percentage of people who rate their neighbourhood as a 'very good' place to live

The percentage of people who rated their neighbourhood as a very good place to live increased between 2006 and 2011, but has remained stable since.

Performance Worsening

Percentage of people who say the crime rate in their area has stayed the same or reduced

The percentage of people who perceive crime to have stayed the same or reduced in their area decreased in 2014/15. However, this number has risen continuously since 2003.

Number of deaths on Scotland’s roads

The number of people killed on Scotland’s roads has fluctuated in recent years. However, this continues to follow a long term downward trend.

Percentage of individuals living in relative poverty (before housing costs)

The proportion of people living in relative poverty increased in 2015/16 and has fluctuated since 2009/10.


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