
Scotland Performs Update

Scottish Government performance information

National Outcome: We have improved the life chances for children, young people and families at risk

The Corra Foundation Partnership Drugs Initiative


  • The Partnership Drugs Initiative ( PDI) supports projects in communities across Scotland that work with children and young people affected by parental substance issues (alcohol and other drugs), pre-teen children who are at higher risk of developing issues relating to alcohol and other drugs, and young people in need of support due to their own alcohol or drug issue.
  • The PDI provides funding support and will contribute up to a maximum of 50% towards the overall costs of delivering a project/service that will help improve outcomes for children and young people.


  • The PDI is funded by the Corra Foundation, the Scottish Government and the Robertson Trust.
  • £600,000 per annum from the Scottish Government.
  • £1.8m in total across all partners.


  • Between January and September 2017, the PDI provided funding to over 30 local projects across Scotland.
  • Over the same period, the PDI funded projects which supported:
    • 1,658 children and young people
    • 231 parents
    • 230 families.
  • As part of regular project evaluation and monitoring, they report on a series of outcomes. Key outcomes for January to September 2017 include:
    • Almost all parents (97%) supported by the projects demonstrated increased parenting skills (224 out of 223)
    • Almost 30% of participants feel less isolated (553 children, young people and families)
    • 140 children reported they felt safer as a result of their involvement in a project
    • 298 children and young people reported improved health and wellbeing
    • 226 children and young people had increased coping and resilience.

Key partners

  • The Corra Foundation and the Robertson Trust in terms of shared funding of the PDI.
  • The PDI in terms of disseminating funding and support to the identified projects.


  • The PDI supports projects in line with its strategic approach, which involves working with the sector to identify geographical and thematic gaps in existing provision.
  • To receive funding, projects must provide clear outcomes and activities, and demonstrate a strong alignment with local strategic plans and direction as defined by the local Alcohol & Drugs Partnership.
  • Each funded project will have a different focus and method of operation, but broadly the approaches taken encompass the following:
    • Intensive support for children affected by parental substance use (including young carers)
    • Intensive whole family focused approaches to supporting children and young people
    • Intensive support for young people with their own issues
    • Preventative approaches for children and young people who are at risk of developing drug and/or alcohol issues
    • Peer monitoring and support
    • Befriending/Mentoring.

Contribution to National Outcomes

  • The PDI, through funding their projects, enables children and young people whose lives are affected by drugs and alcohol to reach their full potential by providing support, activities, befriending, and family centred therapeutic approaches that help improve their starts in life.
  • The projects also work with children and young people on diversionary projects, to help them avoid becoming adults who have substance misuse difficulties themselves and so avoid the health implications of problem drug or alcohol use.

The project contributes towards other National Outcomes, such as:

  • Our children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed.
  • We live longer, healthier lives.


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