
Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014-2020 Stage 2: Final Proposals

Stage 2 document setting out the final proposals for the new rural development programme period (2014-2020).

Section 19: Monitoring and Evaluation

360. The Scottish Government is committed to putting in place a monitoring and evaluation framework for the next SRDP which ensures that better information is available to inform decisions over the impact and effectiveness of spend within the programme.

361. The EC requires that an Evaluation Plan is included within the SRDP document which outlines the Scottish Government's approach to evaluation of the programme. As the specific details of what needs to be included within the plan have yet to be finalised, the Scottish Government has yet to complete the Evaluation Plan. However, a number of overarching principles have been identified which will guide our evaluation activity in the next programme:

  • Proportionate: the scale of the monitoring and evaluation activity on different parts of the programme needs to be proportionate to the size of the different elements within the programme.
  • Targeted: linked with the need for the monitoring and evaluation activity to be proportionate, it should also be targeted on capturing whether the programme is delivering on the main policy priorities. Consequently, a degree of prioritisation will be needed as financial constraints will limit the extent of data which the Scottish Government can collect on the programme.
  • Diverse: different techniques will need to be developed for monitoring and evaluating different aspects of the programme rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. For example, in certain situations it may be sufficient to use samples, case studies or even logic modelling in order to demonstrate the impact of schemes. In addition, more use will be made of existing data collected by the Scottish Government and other organisations.
  • Timely: ensure the monitoring and evaluation activity is undertaken at the right time in order to inform programme managers, Ministers and Stakeholders of the impact and effectiveness of the programme.

362. The EC has outlined a draft set of indicators for the next rural development programme, which contains over 100 indicators covering context, output, result and impact indicators. Not all of these will necessarily be applied to Scotland's rural development programme as the indicators are dependent on the articles included in the final programme.

363. Information used to monitor and evaluate the SRDP will be gathered from a mixture of data sources. Three key data sources required to capture monitoring and evaluation data are summarised in table 9. In general, context and output indicators will be measured through information collected at the point of delivery, generally through administrative records to measure the direct activity realised within the interventions although there may be occasions when the information is better obtained by carrying out surveys. Result indicators may be measured either through administrative records or through evaluation methods such as sample surveys to measure the intermediate effect of the programme. Impact indicators, on the other hand, will be determined at the evaluation stage at the end of the programme period, using input, output and result information but also other tools and wider sources of data to build up a picture of the net impact of the programme on its wider strategic objectives.

Data source Key indicators/ monitoring information
1 The application form, claims form or Integrated Administration and Control System for land use information on agri-environment options Will capture majority of information required for the output indicator suite. Will also capture some result and impact indicator information.
2 Existing surveys administered by the Scottish Government such as the agricultural census and farm accounts These existing data sources will be utilised and potentially amended to capture the information required for monitoring, linking to other datasets to enhance the analysis.
3 Bespoke surveys or other data sources These sorts of surveys are more likely to be targeted at collecting information for impact indicators and evaluation of the programme. They will be designed to address any data gaps.

Table 9: Key data sources

Question 36

We would welcome feedback on the approach outlined in Table 9 (in the space given in the online questionnaire).

Question 37

Are there any other data sources which could inform the impact of the programme? Yes/No. Please tick the appropriate box in the online questionnaire.

If yes, please specify (in the space given in the online questionnaire).

364. Additionally the Scottish Government has identified a number of gaps in the indicator requirements and has set out plans for addressing these gaps:

Indicator Type Indicator Proposed Approach to Address Data
Impact Indicator Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture Method being devised under the 2007-2013 programme on-going evaluation contract, which we may be able to implement going forward.
Impact Indicator Water abstraction in agriculture It should be possible to add this to the Survey on Agricultural Production Methods Survey
Impact Indicator Water quality Method being devised under the 2007-2013 programme on-going evaluation contract, which we may be able to implement going forward.
Impact Indicator Soil quality EC recommend utilising the Land Use/Cover Area frame Survey but it is likely we would require expert advice as well.
Impact Indicator Soil erosion EC recommend utilising the Agro-environmental indicator but it is likely we would require expert advice as well.

Table 10 Proposals to address indicator gaps

Question 38

We would welcome feedback on the proposed approach to filling the gaps in the data required by the European Commission, outlined in Table 10 (in the space given in the online questionnaire).

Question 39

Are there any other gaps that you wish to make us aware of? Yes/No

Please tick the appropriate box in the online questionnaire.

If yes, please specify (in the space given in the online questionnaire).

Question 40

Are there any other data sources which could help us fill the data gaps? Yes/No Please tick the appropriate box in the online questionnaire.

If yes, please specify (in the space given in the online questionnaire).


Email: Julie Brown

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