
Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014-2020 Stage 2: Final Proposals

Stage 2 document setting out the final proposals for the new rural development programme period (2014-2020).

Section 20 - Impact Assessments

365. We are required to carry out a number of impact assessments to assess the impact of our policy. These are:

Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)

366. Required to identify the consequences of the options which have been developed for the SRDP, considering the impact upon businesses, charities or the voluntary sector. A partial BRIA is given at annex E, and this will be enhanced by discussions with businesses likely to be affected by the next SRDP. These discussions will run alongside the consultation, and a final BRIA will be produced in 2014.

Question 41

We would welcome comments on the BRIA (in the space given in the online questionnaire).

Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA)

367. Required in order to consider how the SRDP 2014 - 2020 impacts on equalities groups (age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief and sexual orientation). The stage 1 consultation gathered initial views on equalities issues and feedback raised the potential role for the SRDP in tackling inequalities and social exclusion. Issues raised included general comments around the need to address the 'older white male' bias in the rural economy; ensure wide consultation with a full range of communities; and, to give more attention to equalities issues in the subsequent process design and better monitoring of the impact on equalities groups. The EQIA can be found at annex F.

Question 42

We would welcome comments on the EQIA (in the space given in the online questionnaire).

Strategic Environmental Assessment

368. Required to assess, consult and monitor the likely impact of the SRDP on the environment. The SEA is being prepared as part of the ex-ante evaluation, and a separate consultation will be launched shortly. More information, including a link to the consultation when it is launched, can be found on our website at


Email: Julie Brown

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