
Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014-2020 Stage 2: Final Proposals

Stage 2 document setting out the final proposals for the new rural development programme period (2014-2020).

Section 3: Schemes Under the SRDP 2014 - 2020

59. This section briefly outlines the schemes that are being proposed for the next SRDP, sections 6 to 15 discuss the schemes in detail.

60. It is clear that the next SRDP needs to be simpler and more accessible, particularly for land based investments. Therefore, it is proposed to draw to a close the Rural Priorities Scheme and split the land based investments into individual schemes. These will have a single application and approval process. As proposed in the stage 1 consultation, and supported by 65% of respondents, we propose to remove the Land Mangers Options to allow for more focussed investments.

61. The land based investments will be delivered regionally by a delivery partnership made up of SG Rural Payments and Inspections Division (RPID), Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS). The schemes the partnership is proposed to deliver will be:

62. Other investment schemes will be:

  • Non-agricultural business support - Small Rural Business Scheme (see section 12)
  • Non-agricultural business support - Food and Drink Support (see section 13)
  • LEADER (see section 14)
  • Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund (see section 15)

63. As stated earlier, delivery options and scope for broadband is being explored to ensure appropriate links with other funding streams, both domestic and European.

64. Diagram B below shows all the grant schemes that we are proposing along with their delivery method and how they deliver towards our priorities.

Diagram B - Schemes proposed under the SRDP 2014 - 2020, indicative budgets and link to SRDP priorities

N.B. These are the main high level priorities that it is expected each scheme will deliver towards.

Diagram B - Schemes proposed under the SRDP 2014 - 2020, indicative budgets and link to SRDP priorities

Delivery of the SRDP - Futures Programme

65. A large programme of work has been started to update the business and IT systems and processes for rural payments and inspections, which will deliver CAP reform requirements. We are working with SNH and FCS to deliver the improvements through the Futures Programme between now and 2017.

66. The programme will deliver significant improvements to our customer services - building on what is good today and minimising the bureaucracy for our customers and staff.

67. The new services are not being developed in isolation. Focus groups are being undertaken with customers to help establish what is important to them - the feedback is being used to develop the new approach and deliver what our customers really want and value.

  • In summer 2014, the first part of our new online services will be launched; improved guidance and information, the ability to manage customer account details, online land maps and the option to allow customers to propose changes to their own maps.
  • By January 2015, a new single online application for CAP reform and DP and SRDP schemes will be added, with other CAP reform requirements coming soon after this.
  • Over time to 2017, online services will be extended to provide customers with a range of activities they can manage themselves. This will be similar to an online banking facility, where you can change your details online for example, change your address, update your bank details and manage your account.


Email: Julie Brown

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