
Scotland's Digital Future: Scottish Public Sector Green ICT Strategy

How Scottish public sector organisations can reduce carbon emissions; plan for carbon reduction; and meet the Scottish Government's environmental targets.

Annex B: Workbook

Measurement, monitoring and progress reporting are important in understanding how Scottish public sector organisations are implementing green principles in delivering ICT.

The workbook that organisations will use to assess their Green ICT maturity provides a common framework to show progress across the whole of the public sector. It provides a mechanism to embed green ICT impact assessments into public sector processes and practices, whilst recognising different starting points and opportunities.

The workbook to assist the Scottish public sector in understanding their Green ICT maturity level will assess organisations on 3 areas through the lifecycle of ICT commodities:

  • Procurement;
  • Operations;
  • Disposal.

There is no requirement to provide evidence what has been done in working towards the maturity levels, the workbook is a self-assessment tool, and is purely for the benefit of individual organisations in question.

The workbook can be accessed by clicking here


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