
Scotland's Digital Future: Scottish Public Sector Green ICT Strategy

How Scottish public sector organisations can reduce carbon emissions; plan for carbon reduction; and meet the Scottish Government's environmental targets.

Annex I: Alignment with Digital Public Services work streams

Digital Public Services Work Stream

Green ICT Standard and Principle

Secure and easy sign-in to online services

Ensure policy development considers Green ICT principles. Create technical standards which support interoperability to facilitate common design standards and consistency in accessibility, when verifying identity.

Where possible when considering options to deliver policy seek to reuse and build upon existing assets; where the need to procure is identified ensure this adheres to the principles outlined within this document.

A single point of entry to services and the redesign of services for digital delivery -

Ensure green ICT principles are reflected in policy development. Deliver more sustainable, streamlined public sector online services and ICT projects through the consolidation of websites and CMS systems.

Privacy and Openness: using data appropriately

Develop policy which ensures technical standards support interoperability to facilitate responsible sharing of data for operational delivery and for research and statistics, where appropriate.


Embed green ICT principles into Senior Management objectives to promote joined-up ways of green working across all business functions within the organisation.

Embed green ICT principles into Senior Management objectives to promote joined-up ways of green working sectors and across sectors.

Match employees with appropriate devices to reduce device-employee ratios, and increase flexible working to reduce the carbon footprint of organisations.

ICT Workforce

Undertake green ICT skills audit to plan future skills requirements and inform change programmes.

High level ICT Operating Framework

Embed the principle of re-use before buy into all architecture and design principles and common standards to eliminate duplication and reduce spend.

Digital Public Services Work Stream

Green ICT Standard and Principle

Scottish Wide Area Network

Consolidation by migration to shared or 'cloud' services where appropriate, based upon Government buying standards, to facilitate identification of duplicate systems and applications, communication circuits and surplus.

Ensure responsible decommissioning of circuits/equipment enabling circuits, that have reached end-of-life point in line with waste hierarchies to minimise impacts on landfill.

Ensure network capacity, resilience and fault tolerance is not over specified to reduce power consumption.

National approach to Data Management and storage

Data centres comply with EU Code of Conduct. Ensure best practice energy efficient initiatives are carried out

Consolidate number of data centres and migrate services to cloud services

Open standards (including Open Source) Principles.

Procurement: Open source licensing enables re-use of solutions and also simplifies the creation of shared services.

ICT Operations: Open standards should reduce vendor lock-in allowing the Scottish public sector organisations to more easily transition to green solutions in the future (for example lower power consumption services).

Recycle: Open source licensing allows existing solutions to be refurbished or re-purposed to meet new requirements.

Measurements and Benefits

Monitor reductions in carbon savings, as a baseline for further savings.

Monitor reductions in ICT spend, via collaborative ICT procurement, as a baseline for further savings.


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