A Scotland-wide Data Linkage Framework for Statistics and Research: Consultation Paper on the Aims and Guiding Principles

The main purpose of this consultation is to seek views on the aims of the Data Linkage Framework and a draft set of guiding principles.


1. Boyle, P., Fend, Z. and Raab, G. (2009) Does widowhood increase mortality risk? Comparing different causes of spousal death to test for selection effects.

2. Clemens, T., Boyle, P. and Popham, F. (2008) Unemployment, mortality and the problem of health-related selection: Evidence from the Scottish Longitudinal Study.

3. Holligan, C. and Raab, G. (2009) Inter-sectarian couples in the 2001 census.

4. Ford I et al. (2007). "Long-term follow-up of the West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study". N Engl J Med. 357: 1477-86.

5. Shepherd J et al on behalf of the PROSPER study group. (2002). "Pravastatin in elderly individuals at risk of vascular disease (PROSPER): a randomised controlled trial". Lancet. 360: 1623-30

6. http://www.ukbiobank.ac.uk/

7. http://www.generationscotland.org/

8. D'Arcy, H. et al (2008) "A decade of data linkage in Western Australia: strategic design, applications and benefits of the WA data linkage system". Australian Health Review 32(4): 766-777

9. G Laurie and N Sethi, "Information Governance of Use of Health-related Data in Medical Research in Scotland: Current Practices and Future Scenarios" (Working Paper No.1, 2011), available on the Social Science Research Network: http://www.ssrn.com/

10. Written by Professor Graeme Laurie and Nayha Sethi at the Edinburgh Law School, University of Edinburgh, available at http://www.scot-ship.ac.uk/sites/default/files/Reports/ Guiding_Principles_and_Best_Practices_221010.pdf

11. These suggestions follow recommendations made as part of the SHIP initiative, mentioned previously.


Email: Andrew Paterson

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