
Scotland's 10 Year Farmed Fish Health: strategic framework

Framework document produced by the Farmed Fish Health Working Group.

Aims of the Farmed Fish Health Framework

To plan and be able to respond to new and developing challenges, the maintenance of high standards of fish health requires further strategic planning and co-ordinated action. This framework aims to provide the focus and mechanism to do this, and ensure the right people, organisations and resources come together to address these challenges efficiently. This framework looks to the long-term and therefore will continue to evolve as our knowledge of the fish health challenges and possible mitigation evolves.

In December 2017 a Working Group [1] was established to deliver the farmed fish health framework for Scotland.

The Working Group is co-chaired by Ben Hadfield, MD of Marine Harvest Scotland Ltd, and Professor Colin Moffat, Head of Science, Marine Scotland.

Membership includes finfish farming businesses, trade associations/networks, the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre and veterinary professionals, as well as regulatory and advisory bodies.


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