
Scotland's Agenda for Cities

Scotland's Agenda for Cities sets out the Scottish Government’s strategic framework for its future interaction with Scotland’s cities.


1. Local authority areas: Glasgow City, City of Edinburgh, Aberdeen City, Dundee City, Stirling, Perth & Kinross and Highland.

2. City region travel to work areas: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee, Stirling, Perth, Inverness

3. The LCITP is a partnership between the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Scottish Futures Trust and sector specialists which is supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

4. non-personal and non-commercial data, which is accessible to anyone, via the internet, free of restriction on use and, according to most usages of the term, in a machine readable form.

5. Formerly Glasgow and Clyde Valley City Deal

6. Videos of the presentations can be found here.

7. Source: Number of businesses: Inter-departmental Business Register, 2015, Scottish Government/ ONS; Private sector jobs: Business Register and Employment Survey, 2014; GVA: Regional Accounts, 2014, ONS; Foreign-owned businesses: Inter-departmental Business Register, 2015, Scottish Government/ ONS.

8. The latest data for number of businesses and foreign-owned businesses relates to 2015. The latest data for private sector jobs and GVA relates to 2014.


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