
Artificial intelligence strategy: trustworthy, ethical and inclusive

Our artificial intelligence (AI) strategy sets out a vision for AI in Scotland, the principles that will guide us, and the actions we’ll take to develop and strengthen our AI ecosystem over the next five years.

Annex - Summary of Actions

Track 1 : AI Alliance Track 2: Foundations for Success Track 3: AI Powerhouse
First 100 Days 1.1 We will establish the Scottish AI Alliance including board members and start building an effective mechanism to ensure civil society's full participation.

1.2 We will work with partners to ensure wider strategic alignment complementing the Digital Strategy and Scottish Technology Ecosystem Review (STER).
2.1 Begin work on the Scottish Playbook for AI 2.2 In collaboration with Research Data Scotland, initiate a programme to unlock the value of data through trustworthy innovation for the benefit of everyone 2.3 Work with partners to align the AI Strategy with other national technology initiatives and programmes 3.1 Refresh the AI and Data Technologies Capability Directory to drive engagement between AI consumers and AI creators (in collaboration with ScotlandIS and partners) 3.2 Expand on our AI CivTech Challenge on ethical and explainable AI in the public sector
First Year 1.3 In the first 365 days, we will confirm our priorities and establish Task Forces and Communities of Practice to lead our work in these areas.

1.4 We will identify the regulatory and financial levers Scotland has to realise the vision, such as funding and procurement and where we need to influence nationally and internationally.

1.5 Develop horizon-scanning capability to identify high growth companies, opportunities and key international benchmarks

1.6 Initiate a communications programme to promote the Alliance

1.7 Establish a community engagement and participation strategy to encourage non-tech businesses and the people of Scotland to adopt and engage with AI

1.8 Publish a State of AI report to review progress at the end of Year 1 (and in subsequent years)
2.4 Develop a national and international engagement plan targeting future talent, businesses and potential investors.

2.5 Develop a plan to better leverage investment, research and development funding

2.6 Encourage the public to develop their understanding of AI using open online resources

2.7 Determine the steps required to make sure everyone in Scotland benefits from AI and exercises their rights

2.8 Develop Framework proposals to unlock the value of data, which will be informed by public and stakeholder engagement

2.9 Develop a plan to influence global AI standards and regulations through international partnerships
3.3 Building on the success of our AI Climate Emergency Challenge, establish an AI for Good Programme to help solve some of the most significant challenges facing our society

3.4 Accelerate and scale the availability of knowledge and enablement services from the Data Lab and other partners to help businesses adopt AI 3.5 Develop the AI Playbook to address challenges and pursue opportunities for academia, industry, public and third sector to adopt AI-enabled solutions

3.6 Create opportunities for people, businesses and organisations to get hands-on experience of AI

3.7 Reach agreement on the development of a public sector AI Charter (including a mechanism for feedback from the public)

3.8 Conduct an audit of Scotland AI Ecosystem, across industry, academia and public sector identifying strengths and opportunities
Track 1 : AI Alliance Track 2: Foundations for Succes Track 3: AI Powerhouse
Year 2 and Beyond 1.9 The Alliance will evolve. We will review our performance regularly and adapt to create sustainable growth and continued innovation. 2.10 Expand international collaboration on AI and children 2.11 We will lead a skills plan to ensure everyone has access to AI learning opportunities in our education system and improve the way businesses use, develop and adopt AI.

2.12 support upskilling and reskilling displaced workers and people vulnerable to exclusion

2.13 specify data and wider digital infrastructure requirements

2.14 scale the development of data platforms to meet the needs of the public sector, academic and third sector analysts (led by the Scottish Government and delivered in partnership)

2.15 secure safe, proportionate and privacy-preserving access to data for research and innovation in the public interest, including Open Data and Research Data Scotland

2.16 as part of the Digital Strategy, accelerate the use of common digital and data standards across the public sector

2.17 implement the Framework for unlocking the value of data
3.9 Create a register of trusted algorithms used in the Scottish public sector, learning from best practice around the world

3.10 Improve the capacity of the public sector to adopt AI through innovative procurement, support of CivTech and technology pilots 3.11 Review and adapt the AI Playbook based on feedback and results

3.12 If appropriate, establish an advocacy and recourse service for the people of Scotland



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