
Artificial intelligence strategy: trustworthy, ethical and inclusive

Our artificial intelligence (AI) strategy sets out a vision for AI in Scotland, the principles that will guide us, and the actions we’ll take to develop and strengthen our AI ecosystem over the next five years.


The world of AI is changing at an unprecedented rate. Nothing stands still and as AI technologies evolve, so must we. To create long-term value from AI, we will review our Strategy regularly to be certain it reflects current best practice and is in line with the latest innovations impacting AI and how it is adopted.

Scotland is not alone in prioritising AI. The UK Government's AI Sector Deal[52], the UK's upcoming AI Strategy in late 2021[53]and the EU's Co-ordinated Plan on AI[54] recognise the vast potential of AI to drive growth across business and the economy and this is reflected in similar initiatives in countries around the world.

The publication of our AI strategy is a pivotal moment for AI and Scotland and a reminder of what can be achieved when we work together towards a common goal - industry, public sector, academia and the people of Scotland. You can read more about the background to the Strategy on our website

The collective vision we have developed, the principles we have adopted and the practices we put into action will enable us to make Scotland a leader in the development and use of trustworthy, ethical and inclusive AI.



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